Friday, January 30, 2009

the wheels on the bus go round and round

wow a lot has happened in the last few weeks!

1- EXAMS ARE OVERRRRRR!!!!!!!! I think i'll pass most of them. not sure about some subjects though.

2- Got a new phone :D Birthdate: 17 Jan, 2009. Name: Marty. Species: Nokia E-series 71. I like him so much! I'm actually not jealous of my mom and bro for getting the iPhone. who needs lame iPhones when you have Party Maty? :D oh yeh the name, Marty, i named him after my nose (= isn't that sweet? :D

3- Folie à Deux is officially the best album i've listened to in a loooooong time. Go buy it. Fall Out Boy are made of perfectness.

4- I just ate a cookie.

5- Maryaminho will be away for a week :( she's going to ksa to visit her grandma :( ONE WEEK IN SCHOOL WITHOUT HER? I barley survive she shows up late for school. :(



Wednesday, January 7, 2009

this is not about emotion

okay so one monday was my first ever spanish class *does the happy dance* it actually went pretty well. there are only a few of us in the class; only seven students including myself and mom. mom made me promise that if anyone asks if we're related, whe'd just tell em that we're sisters. mom wants to feel younger haha... moms these days... xD

onto a completely different note, BARCA WON YESTERDAY! leo, my man! a hattrick! wow this dude amazes me and keeps me on my toes whenever he's on the pitch. he always makes my day with his amazing brilliance on the pitch ♥

also... bahrain are playing kuwait today in the arabian gulf cup thingy. wish us luck, people! =)

ew school starts in a 3 days. omg noo D:

Sunday, January 4, 2009

i can't be who you are

barca extended their lead on top with a 3-1 win over real mallorca! twas a great match. iniesta is finally back. he played really well, and he even scored. yaya toure's goal was magnificent. henry scored the equalizer, which refreshed my hope for barca. guess who won today? BAHRAIN! we played iraq today in the arabian gulf cup [if thats the right name] and we beat them 3-1! needless to say, we missed countless chances to score, but then again this is bahrain we're talking about so we need to excuse their poor football. the third goal was a late one, like in the stoppage time. so when the match ended those iraqi players started looking for a fight with our players, y'know like pushing them and doing all the oh-im-so-strong moves. meh. get over it guys, twas just a match =/ srsly. why cant everyone just get along? the world should be peaceful...well at least if we cant stop war, lets stop these silly fights when it comes to sports! see? this is another reason why i should be president.

'nough football for today. omg you wouldnt guess what happened today o__O. i was shopping for jackets with my mom (because its awfully cold now in bahrain! yes, bahrain. weird i know) when all of a sudden my mom received a call from my brother, he told her that his car got hit by a truck. like in an accident, y'know. i didnt know what to think =/ i heard my mom asking him if he was ok and not injured but the man kept talking about how damaged his car was! dude, are you ok or not? but then he finally told mom that he was ok, and nothing happened to him, but his car was damaged and needed major repayments. screw the car, he can get it fixed, i guess. the most important thing is that he's ok, because one things for sure, a life is irreplaceable. thank god my bro's just fine <3

anyway, im going to my grandma's tomorrow, with my cousin, mariam. its really weird, because i only visit her like twice every year. and these two times are on occasions where i HAVE to show up. i really love my grandma, its just that i dont know what to talk about when im around her. i try to talk stuff but what? what should i talk about? i know its gonna be awkward, but i should visit her and show her that i care about her. hey, maybe i can tell her about my bro's incident. and maybe i should mention how its really surprisingly cold in bahrain. and other stuff. if i feel super awkward, me and mariam will just leave and go have dinner at fud's, i guess.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

This is where we both get scared

Hello! :D How's 2009 going with everybody? (:
Mine is ok. Not bad, i guess.

Dear Mom,

Buy me a new cell phone please.

Sincerely, Shaikha

omg i saw a dude who looks like pique yesterday at the mall o_O i was so obvious staring haha. he actually noticed me staring at him so i had to force a smile. he smiled back. i died. end of story lol

BARCA ARE PLAYING TODAAY! :D In like 2 hours! woohoo! i missthissomuch. best of luck guys ;)