Saturday, August 30, 2008

O Hai : ]

Here's a glimpse of how things have been going over here :)

1) Mushtaq, my cousins' driver had a sudden heart attack! He was rushed to the hospital and is currently still there, fighting for life. It's dreadful, really. I feel sorry for the poor guy :( I really do. Get well soon, Mushtaq.

2) I actually survived last night without listening to my iPod. What an accomplishment that is! I forgot it in the car when we got back from shopping for school supplies. I think that I should be adequately rewarded or something. Like maybe, i dunno, a first class trip to Spain? XD

3) I can't stop worrying about my English class. What if I fail my English IB test? Well, there's a plus side for this; I'd be in the Standered English class with one of my BFFs, Maryam. However the minus side is, obviously, I won't be part of the English IB class :( SOMEONE HELP!

4) I go a new haircut which I absolutely hate. My hair is too short >=( *is not pleased*

5) I got to spend some quality time with my 5-year-old-cousin, you know, the one who once lost my iPod, last night. I spent 90+ minutes with him watching Manhester United v Zenit St. Petersburg, a football (soccer) match.

6) Manchester United lost!!! This pretty much made my night yesterday! =D=D=D

Well, this pretty much sums it up. Oh and SHGS student: ENJOY YOUR LAST DAY OF SUMMER! I'LL SEE YOU IN SCHOOL TOMORROW ;) ;)

Shaikha x

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Orientation [ :

Today was orientation day at school. As many of you are know, most school starts nest week. Well, our school starts next week, anyway. It starts on Sunday 31 August, 2008, to be exact. Yes on a Sunday. Now before any of you think "Hey, isn't Sunday weekend?" and such thoughts, you must know this: Weekends in Bahrain are on Friday and Saturday. Yep, no Sunday in there. Only Friday and Saturday. So yeah, no that we've gotten this cleared out, let's move on, shall we? :)
Ohkay, so the school improved A LOT! They opened this new HUGE building. The classes have more room now. It's pretty cool, really. Now there are not one, not two, but three science labs which I find quite astonishing, for an eight-year-old school. We also have another library now, which is two stories :D Oh did I mention that we have an elevator? I know, it's amazing. Oh and most of our teachers are new so I'm kindof lost here. Our school FINALLY got us metallic lockers, which we'd been begging for ages. Now on to our subjects:
English: Ms. Keesha will be teaching us English IB. She's not new, she was there last year, and from what I heard, her class is somewhat fun. However, when we entered her class she was all serious. She said that if we think that we're not good enough to be in her "IB class" we should leave while we still can. This, tbh, leaves me worried = /. I'm not sure if I'm in the right class, maybe I should drop to Standard English. I don't know. Really confused. She said she'd test us and if we passed, we'll be a part of her class. I hope I pass. I mean I really wanna be an English IB student =(
Arabic: There's this new teacher names Ms. Jenan (I think). She seems pretty strict. I hope things go well...
French: Guess what? NO FRENCH! YAAAY! OMG! AYAM SO HAPPY! :D French ftl :D
Environmental: Ms. Jain (Who taught us Chemistry last year) will be our environmental teacher this year. Let me tell you, she's the best teahcer anyone can ever as for! She is really funny and learning fun :D
Islamis Studies: Ms. Fatheya =/ Gah, why does she have to teach us this year AGAIN?!
PE: Ms. Victoria. Pfft. No comment.
Business & Managment IB: There's this new teacher from New Zealand. She seems pretty nice : ]
This is all I can remember for now.
now on to the fun part:

Shaikha x

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

:-O :-O :-O!! I don't think we can trust them shaikha

Ohkay so me and my buddy Emma have a somewhat wild imagination. Seriously. I'm obsessed with Lionel Messi, and she's obsessed with Fernando Torres. And when we're on msn we... well, see for yourself.

- MrsEmmaTorres : ) Fernando Torres says:
ohh lol so are you by messi lmaooo

Shaikha ; ] says:
yeah he's just dancing on some Hannah Montana beats ( but don't tell anyone, he'll kill me )

- MrsEmmaTorres : ) Fernando Torres says:
i wont lol tell him to stop and talk to me and you and nando on msn lol

Shaikha ; ] says:
ok (he's secretly obsessed with hannah montana)
Shaikha ; ] says:
you get nando and i'll get leo
- MrsEmmaTorres : ) Fernando Torres says:
ok lol and ive got nando

Leo: hey! I was just taking a shower! What's up?
Shaikha: Ooops somebody's lying!
nando: your lyin leo
Leo: What? Says who?
Emma: hahaha dont worry
nando: were coming to your game tonight
Leo: Really? Good I heard Hannah Montana will be there, not that I like her.
Emma: hahahahaha lmaoooooooooo
Leo: Like nando doesn't like britney spears! I saw him that day! He was dancing on her song!
Shaikha: Omg nando! Britney spears? I have to admit, hannah montana is better.
Emma: i know nando is stupid i was there
Shaikha: HAHAHAHAH! I wanna seee!
nando: noo i felt sorry for emma when i did that
Emma: well you should be
Leo: Its ok emma, its only dancing
Emma: i now lol
Shaikha: Hey emma do you know the other day when me & you went shopping? Leo & Nando went to a beyonce concert I found the pictures boys! ur busted
Emma: :-O :-O :-O i don think we can trust them shaikha
Shaikha ; ] says:

- MrsEmmaTorres : ) Fernando Torres says:

Shaikha ; ] says:
REAL LIFE: Back : )

- MrsEmmaTorres : ) Fernando Torres says:
OMG YAAAY! back to convo

Shaikha ; ] says:

Leo: yeah like me & nando dont know about that Fall Out Boy concert...
Emma: no we cant lol
Emma: ohh lol

nando: i can trust emma
Shaikha: Ahem. Leo can you trust me?
Leo: *Sighs* I guess I can...
Shaikha ; ] says:

THE END (for now)

Hahaha! Obsessed? I say beyond obsessed. If you guys love our imaginary life, I can always update you with what's been going on with Emma, Leo, Nando & myself : )

Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Birthday!

It's my brother, Hamad's birthday today! He's turning 19! Wow, time is passing really fast. I mean, yesterday we were little kids who fight over silly stuff, and now we're this. When I say 'this' I mean that there are no longer silly fights between Hamad and myself, there is also no joking around between us. As a matter of fact, we rarely even talk to each other at all! Unlike my sister and I, my relationship with my brother kinda gets weaker with time. As we're growing up, I feel like we're drifting apart more and more. That's the one thing I hate about growing up; it slowly kills my relationship with my brother. *Sighs*. Oh well, let's not ruin the moment, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAMAD! I LOVE YOU (A LOT).
Btw, my birthday's after two months - WINK WINK -
(And there's nothing I love more than gifts)
I mean, What? D:
Shaikha x

Saturday, August 23, 2008



I stayed up to watch them. Argentina, I mean. The match started at 7AM local time, and well I had no choice but to stay up to watch the match, especially since it was the final. Yep, the final. Argentina vs Nigiria play to win the gold. I was determined that Argentina was going to win. I mean, I have faith in my team. Who doesn't? Anyways, if watching my team in the final involves me staying up till 9:30AM, I'm in. I know, I'm a very loyal supporter. The first half was somewhat boring, and believe it or not, the referee stopped the match to give the players two minutes to drink water due to the hot, humid weather. Personally, I think that the Chinese didn't put much thoughts on the final football match, I mean 12PM at noon, with this weather? What were they thinking? The players suffered out there! It was like hell for them to play in such 'conditions'. And the pitch wasn't prepared well, some of the grass was ripped off, and no one bothered preparing the grass for the match! *sighs* Great, just what we needed to make a perfect football final match. Way to go China!I hope you're happy. >=[

With the second half came Di Maria's goal which gave Argentina the lead till the end of the match! Messi was, as usual, the one who passed the ball to Di Maria who placed the ball in the net. I love the great teamwork from Leo & Angel. They surely understand each other on the pitch. There's this other thing that I hated about the match, besides the stupid 'conditons' of the match. I hated the fact that the Nigerian players fouled Leo way to much! What did they wanna do? Break his leg. Maybe their coach told them to 'Break a Leg' before they went to the match, but hey, that doesn't necessarily mean break Leo's leg. And, um HELLO! It's just an expression! Jeez, how many functioning brain cells do these guys have? NILL? I'm just glad they got what they deserved, losing against Argentina!
I'm really happy for Messi and his mates! They deserved the gold medals :D I hope Messi will be as triumphant with Barca as he was with Argentina! <3
Okay I'm off to watch Arsenal vs Fulham now.
Shaikha x

Friday, August 22, 2008


My mom woke me up to have lunch with her at the mall. I was all excited until I found out that my iPod was missing. I was really really pissed off because I had just finished downloading some new songs (that took me ages to download, btw) and was planning on updating my iPod today. I looked everywhere for the iPod but couldn't find it. Seriously. Everywhere. Under my pillow. Under the bed. Inside the DVD covers. Behind the TV. I looked everywhere in my room, and well my room isn't that big, anyway. The only place I haven't looked in was the toy box, and believe me there's no way my iPod would be there. I had no choice but to call our maid and make her find it. BUT SHE DIDN'T! Seriously I started freaking out. But then she told me that my 5-year-old cousin was playing in my room yesterday and she saw my iPod in his hands. Okay, where does that little dweeb gett off, playing with my stuff without permission, especially with my iPod. Okay I figured that I'd eventually find my iPod, and if I don't, well then there's a plus side if I never find my iPod. You see, not finding my iPod would increase the possibility of my mom buying me an iPhone =D Who needs an old, stupid, scratched iPod nano (third generation) when you can have an iPhone? See, I'm smart. I don't get pissed off at silly stuff. Anyways, I got dressed and fixed my hair and was on my way outta the hosue to go to the car, where my mom was waiting for me, when my maid called my name. I turned to find out that my stupid iPod was in her hand! She found it. I was partly glad but this means I won't get an iPhone. Story of my damned life! No iPhone for me now! >=[. She found my iPod in toy box, incase you're wondering.
Anyways, my mom and I had lunch at Pizzaria :D The food was, needless to say, delicious, since it was Italian. Yep, Italiano ftw!=D <3
I also bought Meg Cabot's book, Safe House. Yeah I only got into reading recently. I'm currently reading her 1-800-WHERE-R-YOU series. They're fun :] Meggie, you're books rock! Keep it up =]
In other news, my BFF, Fatima, is coming back to Bahrain tomorrow =D She's been in Dubai for like 2 weeks. I miss her like hell xD
Well, that's all for now. ttyl!
Oh and stupid Brazil won :(
Shaikha x

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Hello :)
I decided to create this blog to just talk about my teenage life. Like what am I up to and things that happen in my life, normal bloggin, y'know? I hope that this blog wil improve my English, as I will be needing a higher level of English since I'm attending the English IB class when school starts.

So here's a little bit about me, incase you wanna be friends :D

Ok, the name's Shaikha. Pretty weird name, huh?! Well it's common here in Bahrain, the country in which I live. If you've never heard of Bahrain, I don't blame you; it's a tiny Kingdom in the Middle East (Asia). It's pretty hot over here, that's why you'll always find me thrilled whenever my Mom informs us that we're traveling. I've always liked traveling. It's just so fun. Visiting new places, learning about different cultures, and most importantly, SHOPPING! LOL! Being a girl, shopping is a must. I love shopping at Zara, French Connection, New Look, Next, GAP, Nike, Puma, H&M, and many other places xD

I'm kindof a sporty girl. I love my sports and it's FC Barcelona all the way=D It's the first football club I've ever supported, and I've been supporting them since 2006. Two words made me support this team: Lionel Messi. You see, I was watching this live match of Argentina during the World Cup, I wasn't too psyched about the match, tbh. So I decided to go on MSN and chat with some of my buddies, but somehow, something made me turn around and watch the TV. And there he was! For the first time, I laid my eyes on Messi. The first thing that caught my eye about him, besides scoring a goal and dribbling through the defender, was his hair. His hair was like fj;a.sajf'ad[uioefd; ♥. My love for Messi grows everyday. I actually made my mom sit and watch a Barca match with me one day, because I wanted to show her Messi's brilliance on the pitch. To my surprise, my Mom fell in love with the little boy's talent. I ended up adding 3 more people to Messi's fans list (you can thank me later, Leo). That's right 3 people: My Mom, My brother, and my sister. I still can't believe that my Mom is now into football. I mean this is, my Mom we're talking about. Believe it or not, on July 25 2008, while we were in Spain my Mom took us to the Camp Nou!! She promised me she'll take us there before traveling, but I just didn't have high expectations because whenever I do have high expectations I always end up having a major letdown. Going to the Camp Nou was a dream come true. Seriously. It was so on my imaginary wishlist.

Ok so this is getting a little loooong, I'll stop now. lol

One last thing before I end this: If there are any other Barca/Leo fans out there, please join It's a forum where all Lionel Messi fans unite :D Don't hesitate, we don't bite xD

Shaikha x