Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Birthday!

It's my brother, Hamad's birthday today! He's turning 19! Wow, time is passing really fast. I mean, yesterday we were little kids who fight over silly stuff, and now we're this. When I say 'this' I mean that there are no longer silly fights between Hamad and myself, there is also no joking around between us. As a matter of fact, we rarely even talk to each other at all! Unlike my sister and I, my relationship with my brother kinda gets weaker with time. As we're growing up, I feel like we're drifting apart more and more. That's the one thing I hate about growing up; it slowly kills my relationship with my brother. *Sighs*. Oh well, let's not ruin the moment, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAMAD! I LOVE YOU (A LOT).
Btw, my birthday's after two months - WINK WINK -
(And there's nothing I love more than gifts)
I mean, What? D:
Shaikha x


Zuz. said...

I wish happy birthday so :))

and, yes, time pass so fast :'(

Zuz. said...

so I meant too xDDD
omg :D

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday (:

Anonymous said...

Yes I know, the days are FLYING by..
Happy birthday to him.. xD
It's so weird because both of our older brothers are called Hamad
And my brother's birthday is in August, too !!! =O
haha strangenosity
Anyways, oh yeah ur birthday is coming up xD
MINE is about two months after yours ;)*hint hint*

Lydia Chian said...

Yup, time do fly by fast. I gotta agree wif u! I have 2 bros and no sis - am the eldest among my siblogs - so that makes me a bit tomboyish--- :)