Thursday, September 4, 2008

Saay whaaat?!

Ok ok, I know I haven't blogged since *counts on fingers* four? yes that's right four days. But hey I have a reason, I really do. But first I have to say something seriously important! LIONEL MESSI GOT A HAIRCUT! OHMYGOD! I totally freaked out when I found out about it yesterday. Why, Leo, why'd you cut your hair? I mean your hair was the first thing that attracted me to you :( In the pictures attached, you can see him before and after the hair cut in the same day. I know, it's heartbreaking. *sobs* Oh, I wanna know what you guys think about Leo's new hair.

Anyway, I failed my English IB test :( Only nine girls (including myself) took the test and guess how many passed! ONLY ONE! SOLO UNO (I just love Spanish lol). And the girl who passed got a 13 out of 15. All Eight girls failed, sadly. I shared an 8 out of 15 with one of my classmates, whereas five girls got a 7 out of 15, and one poor girl got an unexpected 5 out of 15. It's really overwhelming. I mean some of my mates I thought would pass so easily. To know that I got a higher mark than them is really surprising. But hey don't get me wrong, I'm not smarter than them or anything, for most of my answers were gussing since the test was a mutliple choice test. But yeah I failed... and so I'm dropping the English IB class. I'll just join Mariam in the standard English class :(

Oh and the reason why I haven't blogged in ages is because of the shitty internet connection and well school. Yeah.

- Shaikha x


Anonymous said...

before or after: hmm I don't know

aww ): thats too bad about your IB English test!
Atleast you weren't the only one, and you have a friend in the regular class.

★RAE said...

Hello!! :]
That's Lionel Messi huh??
Anyway, it is only a week of holiday.
School starting next week.
I'm dreading school.
'Cause that means end-of-year examinations are nearing.
I just hate studying.

Anonymous said...

What's an IB English test? Is it harder than the standard one?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and the pick up lines made me laugh too. I actually googled sites that has them. :p

Anonymous said...

that must be a really hard test... I hope you can bump that grade up! Hopefully your teacher could be nice and make the test worth less points?

thanks for the comment at my site!

Anonymous said...

That's so cool o_o
How do you switch books for the first month or do you have like a backpack with you with all your books inside? If you do, that's pure torture xD

★RAE said...

It's alright..
Just boring and dull.
Taking the exams is bad.
But receiving the results is worse.
I'm always crossing my fingers while waiting for my name to be called.
Hate that feeling.
It's either a make or break.

Anonymous said...

lol you remind me of me when i was totally in love with Ruud van Nistelrooy lol i cried when he left Man utd :(

Anonymous said...

I used to be a Utd fan but i dont watch football anymore. I hope i make friends lol

Lydia Chian said...

Don't worry, I mean anyone could have flaws right? I mean its like no one is perfect! :P YOu should continue taking English IB cuz, who knows? YOu might pass this time? Just keep trying, I know you can. You go, girl! Don't give up! :P

Lydia Chian said...

Heyheyz, Shaikha!

Why don't you just get a tagboard like me? Its like where everyone can leave a message and tell you wats up and all that. :) And it makes commenting a lot more easier too! Just go to and then you can get a tagboard just as easy! There!