Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Well, like the title states, I hate my life. I just discovered that one of my favorite bands, Simple Plan, will be on tour in Dubai on December 5th. Yes, I said Simple Plan will be going to dubai! Ohkay so Dubai is really close to Bahrain, takes only 45 mins to get there by plane, so its really not that far. It's considered pretty close, really. And the VIP tickets cost BD 50 which is only about $133, which is a reasonable price (I think). Don't ask me, I've never been to a concert before. Ohkay so there I was, just discovering that one of my dreams is actually coming true, I rush downstairs to tell Mom, who seemed rather bored by the subject. After giving her the best speech I could put together about how this band inspired me and gave me hope in life, especially through my downs, my Mom didn't have much to say. 'No! There's no way I'm gonna let you fly over to Dubai to watch some band perform! I mean okay they're coming to Dubai, so what?! You have your iPod in which you can listen to them all day long. I'm really sorry but there's no way your going' I got so frusterated! ARGH! Why is this happening to me? Why's life so unfair? THE WHOLE FREAKING TRIP DOESN'T COST MUCH AND ITS SIMPLE PLAN FOR CRUING OUT LOUD! Sometimes my mom is just waaaay to overprotective its not even funny! Why can't my Mom just lemme go? For once? I mean please! I seriously feel so low. What did I do to deserve an overprotected Mom like mine? I mean okay yeah sure she's great and all but picture this she never even allowed me to sleepover at one of my friend's house. Isn't it kinda...gay?! =/

1 comment:

Lydia Chian said...

OMG! Shaikha! You're well damn lucky! I always wanted to watch Linkin Park go live but I never had a chance! They went to KL once and I was thinking of going but my parents wouldn't let me cuz they said that I'm too young to go... :(