Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year Resolutions for Twenty-oh-Nine!

New Year Resolution:

1- Study harder.

I'm a very lazy person, and you have no idea how much I struggle to get my homework done. This is gonna be hard for me, but I think that I really need to settle down and study harder. And by 'study', I really mean study. I hate always being the one who gets the lowest marks between my best friends, and then getting yelled at by Mom because of it. So I'm gonna challenge myself to get at least a B in each subject.

2- Stand up for myself.
I've always been the kinda girl who never stood up for herself. I know its wrong and this is why, from now on, im gonna be a stronger person; if someone did something wrong to me, I wont just pretend it never happened, im gonna stand up to myself, and show everyone that I've changed.

3- Be nicer to Mom.
I really need to watch my mouth when talking to Mom. Seriously. Don't you think I owe it all to her for being who I am right now? I'm usually rather nice to her, its only when I she's overprotective that gets on my nerves. And when she says 'no', which she says quiet a lot, let me tell you that! But this year, I'll be nicer to her by being more obedient and not talking back.

4- Write neatly.
You don't even wanna see my handwriting. It's the worst thing ever. Seriously. It's so messy that even, I can't read it sometimes.

5- Clean up after myself.
I usually leave a mess everywhere I sit. It really annoys my Mom, and most of my troubles are always behind my messes. I'll try to clean up after every mess I make from now on…

[Note to reader: Shaikha always wrights a new year resolution, but she never actually follows them. Never.]

Monday, December 29, 2008

its all coming to an end...

2008 has been a great year. It's been filled with countless happy moments that are now cherished as memories. And then there were all those depressing moments that I hate remembering. But hey, I think every single person always has their ups and downs every year, so it's normal...

I'm writing today about the five most fascinating things that happened/effected me in 2008. (Not in order)

1- Visiting the Camp Nou. Visiting my favorite team's football stadium was a dream coming true, the stadium was enormous and I would do anything to relive that day. Spain is a wonderful country, I'd like to visit it again some day :] thank you mom for taking us there and helping me pursue my dream :D

2- Going to Makkah. As a Muslim, this was undoubtedly a great religious experience that I'll never forget. Of course, going there with my cousins helps keeps me entertained and kills away boredom (not that we were bored much...)

3- My birthday! Thank you Reema for the great surprise. She took me to my favorite restaurant with my two best friends and to my complete surprise, many of my friends were there waiting for me! Ilovemyfriendssofreakingmuch. And the gifts I got from my friends and family leave me speechless. I can never thank them enough...

4- Movies & Music. I was entertained through out the year by a great deal of awesome movies, the dark knight tops them all (rip heath). Music! I've discovered a lot of new bands this year, like the cab, boys like girls, and a lot more and you know what, I LOVE them! I can't go a day without listening to music...

5- Family & Friends! My family has been strong even though we lost someone really special, my great grandmother, Shaikha. I'm names after her :( She left us but we'll never remain the same. You're always in our heart. But my family made it through, and we try to keep each other entertained and we're actually growing closer. My amigos! I love them! I am only my true self when I'm with them. I can be goofy, dumb, crazy, a pain in the bottom, serious, but most importantly, be myself when I'm around them.

I hope that 2009 will bring more joy and happiness to my family and friends, and everyone, really.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

another birthday!

its my moms birthday today. i kinda feel bad for not getting her a gift like i usually do, but this time she insisted she didn't want anything. i know i was still supposed to get her something, with the card i got her, but its not like i had anything in mind. so the card i bought her was one of these happy-birthday-mom cards from this really well-known gift shop, and i decided to write a little poem on it. of course being myself, i left everything till last minute. me and my sister decided to give her our cards at 12AM, and it was like around 11:45, so i was left with 15 minutes to come up with a poem. i usually don't take time to write poems, but i felt pressured at that moment, so the result was... well lets just say it wasn't even close to my best writing skills. the words were kinda babyish, not how i thought it'd turn out, but hey, at least it was something written by me, right? i mean, to my mom, its all about the message you send across, so it was cool. when i gave my mom the card, to my absolute surprise, she cried after reading the poem! she said it was really touching and meaningful! she cried at my "cheap" poem! like omg! i was surprised, and to be frank with you, seeing her cry really touched me, my eyes started foggin up o_O. twas weird, im getting so sensitive these days, and i hate it. anyway, here's the poem (feel free to laugh at its crappiness):

from my baby steps
to all the lessons i'll never forget
you are my number one all the way through
i would'nt be myself, if it weren't for you
you are my teacher, my friend, my guide
and i promise you, i'll always be by your side
i only wish that i'll one day become just like you
to help, to guide, to love and care like you always do
you are always there righting my wrongs
let me assure you that in my heart's where you belong

confession: i watched the little mermaid two days ago.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Birthday! [=



If you're a Lionel Messi fan, then come join us at this forum :]

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

i used to know you so well..

i'm sick. again.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

messi - the reason i wanna learn spanish

Heres a short update of what's been going on in my life, lately.
1- Barca won el clasico! I'm still amazed by my men! I'm so proud of them <3
2- My order from FC Barcelona's official site is finally here. I ordered a wristband that says "Messi 10", and three sets of stickers coz im childish that way.
3- I'm going to learn Espanol!!! Yes! I'm finally learning the language I've been dying to learn. I'll be taking classes with my mom starting Jan 4. I think its quite funny being in a class with my mom hahaha xD
4- Went shopping with my sister and her best friend today. I didn't really want to go but I just did. I saw my fellow friends from school: Reema, Fatima J., Rahma and a couple of other girls. It's hard keeping in touch with friends when there's a long holiday. So it's a good thing I did actually go. Like they say, "Everything happens for a reason".
5- Going to have breakfast tomorrow at Starbucks in the City Centre with my cousin Mariam, my aunt, and my grandma. Yes, I said my grandma. She's been sitting at home a lot recently so my aunt decided to take her along with us =D
6- Happy National Day, to all Bahrainis :D. Si, hoy esta el national dais. ok i just made that up, i wanted to say 'yes, to day is our national day' in spainish ahaha.
7- iRock (my iPod) says hiiii to you[:

Friday, December 12, 2008

meet me on thames street

Had tons of fun yesterday with my cousin Mariam. I love her a lot. She's my new favorite person[:

anyways, i'm off to the mall with my mom, my auntie, and sister.

can't wait for el clasico tomorrow :D
visca el barca!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

and she's back!

i miss barcelona.
iwannagoback! like now. seriously. i wish i could just take my passport and runaway with my best friend and book the next flight to barcelona like they normally do in the movies. ahh, how i wish life was like in the movies ♥
wow then i'd get to see el clasico live! omigosh! now i REALLY wanna go. why am i doing this to myself? ok. no more footy talk, kk?
no buts young lady! you'll only end up crying and begging mom to travel which is rather impossible what with all thats going on right now. okay well there's not much going on, but still traveling, to my mom, needs a lot of time and preparations...
funny how i talk to myself sometimes =/ you have no idea how many times my friends catch me talking to myself. but it's just me. without this habit, i wouldnt exactly be... shaikha. y'know?
ooooh oooooh!! i almost forgot. me has a new pet[:
tis a whale :D. not just any whale, an ORANGE whale. his name's skip. he lives in our backyard. he's pretty much made of awesome... orange awesome.
dom created him. thankyou dom[: