Sunday, December 28, 2008

another birthday!

its my moms birthday today. i kinda feel bad for not getting her a gift like i usually do, but this time she insisted she didn't want anything. i know i was still supposed to get her something, with the card i got her, but its not like i had anything in mind. so the card i bought her was one of these happy-birthday-mom cards from this really well-known gift shop, and i decided to write a little poem on it. of course being myself, i left everything till last minute. me and my sister decided to give her our cards at 12AM, and it was like around 11:45, so i was left with 15 minutes to come up with a poem. i usually don't take time to write poems, but i felt pressured at that moment, so the result was... well lets just say it wasn't even close to my best writing skills. the words were kinda babyish, not how i thought it'd turn out, but hey, at least it was something written by me, right? i mean, to my mom, its all about the message you send across, so it was cool. when i gave my mom the card, to my absolute surprise, she cried after reading the poem! she said it was really touching and meaningful! she cried at my "cheap" poem! like omg! i was surprised, and to be frank with you, seeing her cry really touched me, my eyes started foggin up o_O. twas weird, im getting so sensitive these days, and i hate it. anyway, here's the poem (feel free to laugh at its crappiness):

from my baby steps
to all the lessons i'll never forget
you are my number one all the way through
i would'nt be myself, if it weren't for you
you are my teacher, my friend, my guide
and i promise you, i'll always be by your side
i only wish that i'll one day become just like you
to help, to guide, to love and care like you always do
you are always there righting my wrongs
let me assure you that in my heart's where you belong

confession: i watched the little mermaid two days ago.

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