Wednesday, January 7, 2009

this is not about emotion

okay so one monday was my first ever spanish class *does the happy dance* it actually went pretty well. there are only a few of us in the class; only seven students including myself and mom. mom made me promise that if anyone asks if we're related, whe'd just tell em that we're sisters. mom wants to feel younger haha... moms these days... xD

onto a completely different note, BARCA WON YESTERDAY! leo, my man! a hattrick! wow this dude amazes me and keeps me on my toes whenever he's on the pitch. he always makes my day with his amazing brilliance on the pitch ♥

also... bahrain are playing kuwait today in the arabian gulf cup thingy. wish us luck, people! =)

ew school starts in a 3 days. omg noo D:


Stephy said...

Your mom is learning too? Lol She wants to seem younger? lol Represent adultism!

How's school? Kind of depressing to be there, no? lol

Shaikha said...

Yep. Moms these days scare me haha.

i actually just finished exams so thats a lot of weight off my shoulders :D