Saturday, August 30, 2008

O Hai : ]

Here's a glimpse of how things have been going over here :)

1) Mushtaq, my cousins' driver had a sudden heart attack! He was rushed to the hospital and is currently still there, fighting for life. It's dreadful, really. I feel sorry for the poor guy :( I really do. Get well soon, Mushtaq.

2) I actually survived last night without listening to my iPod. What an accomplishment that is! I forgot it in the car when we got back from shopping for school supplies. I think that I should be adequately rewarded or something. Like maybe, i dunno, a first class trip to Spain? XD

3) I can't stop worrying about my English class. What if I fail my English IB test? Well, there's a plus side for this; I'd be in the Standered English class with one of my BFFs, Maryam. However the minus side is, obviously, I won't be part of the English IB class :( SOMEONE HELP!

4) I go a new haircut which I absolutely hate. My hair is too short >=( *is not pleased*

5) I got to spend some quality time with my 5-year-old-cousin, you know, the one who once lost my iPod, last night. I spent 90+ minutes with him watching Manhester United v Zenit St. Petersburg, a football (soccer) match.

6) Manchester United lost!!! This pretty much made my night yesterday! =D=D=D

Well, this pretty much sums it up. Oh and SHGS student: ENJOY YOUR LAST DAY OF SUMMER! I'LL SEE YOU IN SCHOOL TOMORROW ;) ;)

Shaikha x


★RAE said...

Hello Shaikha!!
Yes, Tom Daley is 14 and I'm 14. How old are you??
Tom Daley dives, the 10m platform. He's seriously good, for somebody so young. I've watched his events, and I'm really impressed. They called him the child prodigy for diving.
Well, I hope your cousin is better.
-rae :]

Anonymous said...

Some of the things on the list made me laugh and some made me sad. Like the number one. I hope he gets better. =)

★RAE said...

Hello Shaikha..
Sorry, I've never heard of Lionel Messi. Is he a soccer player??
Well, I'm curious. Is there any time difference between Singapore and Bahrain??

Anonymous said...

Hope he gets well soon!

So were you pleased Man U lost? lol

Anonymous said...

Thanks on the comment! it meant a lot!

Lydia Chian said...

Ouch, Shaikha... Having your hair cut shourt without you really wanting or needing it really hurts. I have my hair cut short like Matt Damon's cuz I thought that I look better in it... Or so I;ve thought...cuz I wanna be emo and retarded looking. Lolz.

Man-U lost! Yess! I hate Man-U! Go, Arsenal! Yes, you can do it! You can catch up! a couple of weeks time we'll be having school holz - for the fasting or probably the Feasting season! Yay!

English, Shaikha, you can do it! English is a very easy language to understand compared to any other languages... You go!