Thursday, August 28, 2008

Orientation [ :

Today was orientation day at school. As many of you are know, most school starts nest week. Well, our school starts next week, anyway. It starts on Sunday 31 August, 2008, to be exact. Yes on a Sunday. Now before any of you think "Hey, isn't Sunday weekend?" and such thoughts, you must know this: Weekends in Bahrain are on Friday and Saturday. Yep, no Sunday in there. Only Friday and Saturday. So yeah, no that we've gotten this cleared out, let's move on, shall we? :)
Ohkay, so the school improved A LOT! They opened this new HUGE building. The classes have more room now. It's pretty cool, really. Now there are not one, not two, but three science labs which I find quite astonishing, for an eight-year-old school. We also have another library now, which is two stories :D Oh did I mention that we have an elevator? I know, it's amazing. Oh and most of our teachers are new so I'm kindof lost here. Our school FINALLY got us metallic lockers, which we'd been begging for ages. Now on to our subjects:
English: Ms. Keesha will be teaching us English IB. She's not new, she was there last year, and from what I heard, her class is somewhat fun. However, when we entered her class she was all serious. She said that if we think that we're not good enough to be in her "IB class" we should leave while we still can. This, tbh, leaves me worried = /. I'm not sure if I'm in the right class, maybe I should drop to Standard English. I don't know. Really confused. She said she'd test us and if we passed, we'll be a part of her class. I hope I pass. I mean I really wanna be an English IB student =(
Arabic: There's this new teacher names Ms. Jenan (I think). She seems pretty strict. I hope things go well...
French: Guess what? NO FRENCH! YAAAY! OMG! AYAM SO HAPPY! :D French ftl :D
Environmental: Ms. Jain (Who taught us Chemistry last year) will be our environmental teacher this year. Let me tell you, she's the best teahcer anyone can ever as for! She is really funny and learning fun :D
Islamis Studies: Ms. Fatheya =/ Gah, why does she have to teach us this year AGAIN?!
PE: Ms. Victoria. Pfft. No comment.
Business & Managment IB: There's this new teacher from New Zealand. She seems pretty nice : ]
This is all I can remember for now.
now on to the fun part:

Shaikha x


Anonymous said...

I hope you have fun in school this year
I start on Tuesday

Anonymous said...

I keep hearing people talking about this orientation day - what is it? lol I must be dumb!

Lydia Chian said...

Have fun in school! I actually like school, but its the teachers that makes me hate them. :(

My English teacher is actually very nice...I've alwyas been all my english teachers' favourite child in the class so the whole class kinda hated me for that. :(

Maths! We've got this teacher and he's got PMS where he gets abgry every 5 minutes and that was really pathetic!

★RAE said...

Hello, again, Shaikha. Well, Thomas Daley is 14, like me. Sorry,I've never heard of Bahrain, maybe I'll learn about the country in geography lessons. Anyway, the layout is found in blogger, under templates. :]

Anonymous said...

Have fun at school. Enjoy the last week of summer. Thanks for signing my site by the way. :)
Keep in touch!

Anonymous said...

Omg yeah
It was amazingg
I wanted to take a picture with him
but he was too busy ):

Lol my friend asked to touch his eyebrows and he got all freaked out

Anonymous said...

Aaah! I see :) Thanx for that, i just got my timetable and apparantly i only have 1 3hr lecture a week?! x

Anonymous said...

Hey :)
Yeah, I love meeting new people! I'm Emma, though you probably already know that...

Good luck in the new school year! I've been back at school for two days, but we haven't actually DONE anything. Oh well.

Talk soon,

Anonymous said...

We started school last week. Orientation was pretty simple for me xD It was just touring around. I did meet someone new though - which is cool since I don't usually make friends that fast. Are you serious about that Friday and Saturday thing? :O That's so weird. But cool at the same time.

Glad that your school has improved :D Good luck with everything!

Lydia Chian said...

Lucky you, people! My school sucks! We didn't even have orientation for anyone - new students or old ones and its pretty pathetic... :P