Friday, August 22, 2008


My mom woke me up to have lunch with her at the mall. I was all excited until I found out that my iPod was missing. I was really really pissed off because I had just finished downloading some new songs (that took me ages to download, btw) and was planning on updating my iPod today. I looked everywhere for the iPod but couldn't find it. Seriously. Everywhere. Under my pillow. Under the bed. Inside the DVD covers. Behind the TV. I looked everywhere in my room, and well my room isn't that big, anyway. The only place I haven't looked in was the toy box, and believe me there's no way my iPod would be there. I had no choice but to call our maid and make her find it. BUT SHE DIDN'T! Seriously I started freaking out. But then she told me that my 5-year-old cousin was playing in my room yesterday and she saw my iPod in his hands. Okay, where does that little dweeb gett off, playing with my stuff without permission, especially with my iPod. Okay I figured that I'd eventually find my iPod, and if I don't, well then there's a plus side if I never find my iPod. You see, not finding my iPod would increase the possibility of my mom buying me an iPhone =D Who needs an old, stupid, scratched iPod nano (third generation) when you can have an iPhone? See, I'm smart. I don't get pissed off at silly stuff. Anyways, I got dressed and fixed my hair and was on my way outta the hosue to go to the car, where my mom was waiting for me, when my maid called my name. I turned to find out that my stupid iPod was in her hand! She found it. I was partly glad but this means I won't get an iPhone. Story of my damned life! No iPhone for me now! >=[. She found my iPod in toy box, incase you're wondering.
Anyways, my mom and I had lunch at Pizzaria :D The food was, needless to say, delicious, since it was Italian. Yep, Italiano ftw!=D <3
I also bought Meg Cabot's book, Safe House. Yeah I only got into reading recently. I'm currently reading her 1-800-WHERE-R-YOU series. They're fun :] Meggie, you're books rock! Keep it up =]
In other news, my BFF, Fatima, is coming back to Bahrain tomorrow =D She's been in Dubai for like 2 weeks. I miss her like hell xD
Well, that's all for now. ttyl!
Oh and stupid Brazil won :(
Shaikha x


Anonymous said...

wat a GREAT day u had shai5oo XD and HAHA about ur iPod well, that would hopefully make u think twice about where to keep it next time around ;) but it's great that u found it :D

Hope all ur days r fun and excited..
luv ya!

Anonymous said...

Haha. "See, I'm smart."
Losing your ipod is not smart, honey! -_-
Do you really think your mum would buy you an iphone if you lost your ipod?! I think she wouldn't want to buy you something like that because if you lose an ipod you might lose an iphone, too! Haha! =P
Well I hope you never lose your ipod again. AND I hope your mum buys you an iphone. :D
I have a scratched up ipod nano like yours! What's wrong with
them :P! They rock!
Anyways, yummy! italian food. :D
I just love pizza.. <33
I'm glad you had a fun daay. xD

Basoom ;*

Anonymous said...

What A Gr8 Day,, Inshalla all ur days Are Gr8 xD . LooL.
Ana I just bought an ipod .. knt aby el ipod touch but i couldnt get it =( .. & Akrah shay if an ipod gets lost. hahaha. im glad u found it ;). inshallaa it doesnt get lost again ;D . xx

Mariiam x.

Anonymous said...

WOW =D What A dayy ^^,
hahaha Greaat Now U Found Your Ipod, But Too Bad No Iphone.. Next time ;)

& Pizzariaaa Yumm <33 myy Favourite Restaurant of all Tiime ^_^

hahah, anywayss ttyl x

Naylaa x
* ex oh ex oh *

Almaskari said...
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Almaskari said...

Mowahaha cant find me now