Saturday, October 25, 2008

Move, shake, now drop drop drop drop!

Bahaha yesterday was major fun! Shaikha's little brother, Khalid, sure knows how to host a party! He's the cutest 9-year-old (i think) boy ever. He's a talented dancer, I must say. I see a bright future ahead of him. Hahah kidding! But he sure is an entertainment :] He wouldn't stop silly dancing all day. I enjoyed my time. Anyways. I won't watch Barca tonight because I have School tomorrow and the match starts at 11 PM. So yeah School is Stupid, yes?

Shaikha x

Friday, October 24, 2008

It's been a while

It's been a while since I last blogged. Well, I didn't think anywone cared about my blog, to be honest. But wow turns out my good friend, Lydia, does. hahaha I love you Lydia for caring about my boring life x]
So, I had my Environmental Science test yesterday. I didn't do too well. But it wasn't that bad as well. I'm hoping for a C, at least. I hope I get something higher, but then again I don't deserve a high grade because I didn't study well. I was to busy watching Barca's match. [FIVE GOALS! DON'T WE JUST ROCK?]
There's not too much going on with me right now. Well, my birthday's coming, which is on October 29. I would do anything to just stay 15 forever. I don't want to turn 16. :( It makes me feel so old. I won't have a birthday party, because I can't invite all of my friends (25 girls) to our house due to the lack of place for us to party. So yeah I'd be stuck on my birthday without a party. *sobs*. My Mom told me to choose like 9 girls to invite to a small birthday party that i can throw at home. But to tell you the truth, I'd rather not. I mean I can't choose between my friends. I love them all to pieces. So yeah no party for me. How much more lame can life be?! *sighs*
Anyways, I'm going over to Shaikha's place today :D [Yes, we have the same name] She invited us all to get together and watch a movie I think. Whatever. I know we're gonna have fun :D She told me that she's inviting 15 girls :D WOOHOO! Girls night :D:D Thank God my mom allowed me to stay till 11 at night :D I'm so excited. I'm wearing my new skinny black jeans with a cute, red, Zara top :D
Shaikha x

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Happy Sweet Sixteen Fatima!

Ok, so yesterday was Fatima's, my BFF, sweet sixteen party =) Me and Maryam arrived at 4 PM and helped her choose what to wear and stuff. A lot of girls from school showed up. All in all, we all were about 26 girls, which was a lot considering this is the first party Fatima throws at her house. It was really fun. Well, at first everyone was kindof shy and all, but then we all got into the party spirit, y'know goofing around, making silly dances and stuff. Maryam did her robot dance (which I'm dying to learn, btw). It was all good, though. I didn't dance (not because I didn't want to, it's just that I don't KNOW how). But I enjoyed just sitting back and laughing at whoever's dancing and gossiping. Ahh yes gossiping! What's a girl's party without gossip? haha.
At 9:30 PM most of the girls were gone. We were only six girls left (including birthday girl, Fatima). So this meant that it was time for the AFTERPARTY! Woohooo! I love afterparties :) There so much fun! So we had the place all ours and we just pretened to be rockstars and sang rock songs really loud haha. Then we made a deal to perform a song toegether in the school concert. Hahahaha ever heard of the saying "Never make promises when you're happy" guys? Yeah, that didn't work with us hahaha. It was really fun :D Fatima got a lotta gifts including a Pink PlayStation 2 (or was it 3?) and a Nintendo DS, a lot of perfume sets, a lot of cute tops, accesories, make up sets, nail polish, and many more. Oh and she liked the video me and Maryam made her! We've been working on a birthday video for over a month now. We got all the our mates from school to tell her a birthday message. It was so cute, she almost cried <3
Oh and I really appreciate all your comments guys :D Thanks!
Shaikha x

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Weekend at last! :D

Okay so weekend's finally here. I'm so glad weekend's here. It's been a really long week at school. So we took three test in school this week, Environmental Science, Math, and IB Business & Management. I got the results for the Environmental Science test. Not so good. 71% which makes me a C-. But, I think it's good since I'm one of the eight girls who passed (There are 24 girls in our class). Maryam got a 61%, she barely passed :(. Fatima, actually failed. I feel sorry for the both of them, and well for myself as well. I mean, I studied really hard. But that's just my story will all the sciences. Chemistry. Physical Science. Earth Science. Biology. I never liked Science. Or Math. But I actually did well this time, on my Math test. Maybe it's the new teacher? Hmm. I still didn't get my result though. But I'm optimistic :D My IB Business & Management? Hmm. Not that good, but not that bad too. I still didn't get my results, but I'm definitely not expecting an A.

Anyway, moving on... I feel so lame because I'm not doing anything today. Seriously. Fatima and Maryam kindof have plans so we can't really do anything together. So what did I do? Msn. Lots of music. Hotmail. Messi's Forum. Sims 2.
Lame, I know. But whatever. At least I'm trying to entertain myself here.

Shaikha x

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I rock? :D

Okay, I'll make this short. Here's what's been going on lately:

1) My BFF, Maryam's, birthday was yesterday. I feel bad for not getting to be there with her and spend some great time together. But she's in KSA, with her family so... Anyways. I got her a shirt from Zara as a birthday gift. This is actually the first time I buy clothes as a birthday present, to be honest. But I'll think she'll like it :D

2) I was this close to buying these amazing new Nikes, I've been wanting for weeks now. We went shoppiong today, my mom, my sister, and myself. I tired the red Nikes on and they were my exact size! I was so happy! They were only BD 44.000 (a little over $100). And my mom was ok with the price so I was really happy. However, when we went to pay, turns out they kept the wrong label. The shoes were BD 60.000 ($150). My mom was all "Oh! But that's too expensive. No, we will not buy it." Gah, I hate it when she does that in front of people. It's sososo embarassing.

3) My cousin, Haya, underwent a surgery a couple days ago. I don't know what kind of surgery, to be frank. But I do know it's in her back. I think I'm going to have to go visit her, she lives nextdoor. I mean I HAVE to visit her. I mean if i didn't, hat kind of person would that make me?

4) School starts tomorrow. I was all excited and all a few days ago. Now? I'm all "No Thanks!" I don't know, I guess I just lost interest maybe?

5) Ok I'll end this. I'm totally booked! I have the Sunderland-Arsenal match to worry about (which already started, by the way). And then I have to watch the Blackburn Rovers-Manchester United match (GOO BLACKBURN! Thanks to a friend, now I'm crushing over this really hot Blackburn player =/) And last but not least, I'm watching Barcelona-Atletico Madrid match which will finish at 1:00 AM, and then I'll go get some sleep for school tomorrow. Of course, I'm not sure if my mom will be kind enough to let me watch the whole Barcelona match (I doubt it, to be honest)

6) Please leave me comments, yes?:)

Thursday, October 2, 2008


The Shakhtar - Barca match was amazing! Awesome ending, I must say! Just when you start losing hope of winning, Leo strikes again x) Lionel is just made of so much win. Seriously. He gives winning a whole new definition. My mom didn't stop screaming at the top of her lungs when Leo scored. And my brother, yeah he didn't stop jumping up and down (I felt the ground shake. Really, It was like he was superman or something). Me? Oh I just died, several times. You would do the same if you've seen his goals. Really. He's just so fabulous. He wins at life. ♥
Anyways, moving into a completely different note: Eid was amazing. It was great seeing all my family members, and just uniting with them to chitchat. This happens rarely. The whole family meets, I mean. It's because we are a BIG family and we live in very DIFFERENT places in the country. So yeah, it was great catching up with all of my cousins and all. And today well technicaly the day yesterday, since it's almost 12:30 AM now, I was supposed to go to my Aunt's house for lunch. It's the family tradition, every second Eid day, the whole family meets up at my Aunt's house. Guess who didn't show up because she had to finish some stupid homework? Surprise surprise, myself. I swear, homework is just ... never mind? What's the point of complaining anyway? It's not like I can change the homework policy by my stupid blog. *sighs* So yeah anyway, I finished my math homework (I'm not even sure I did the right pages), I also finished one of my Business & Management homework. I'll do the other one tomorrow; I need some help from my Aunt with it. Oh and I have to study for my Math test coming up next week :( Oh and I also have this Environmental Science test coming up next week, too. It consists of two long chapters. Really long chapters. Talking 'bout ten pages (each chapter). I only have three days to finish all this shit =/ I'll wake up early tomorrow and start with the Environmental I guess, or idk, I'll just study whatever I feel like studying.
Oh and I went shopping the other day with my mom and guess what? I DIDN'T FIND ANY YELLOW CONVERSES!