Friday, October 24, 2008

It's been a while

It's been a while since I last blogged. Well, I didn't think anywone cared about my blog, to be honest. But wow turns out my good friend, Lydia, does. hahaha I love you Lydia for caring about my boring life x]
So, I had my Environmental Science test yesterday. I didn't do too well. But it wasn't that bad as well. I'm hoping for a C, at least. I hope I get something higher, but then again I don't deserve a high grade because I didn't study well. I was to busy watching Barca's match. [FIVE GOALS! DON'T WE JUST ROCK?]
There's not too much going on with me right now. Well, my birthday's coming, which is on October 29. I would do anything to just stay 15 forever. I don't want to turn 16. :( It makes me feel so old. I won't have a birthday party, because I can't invite all of my friends (25 girls) to our house due to the lack of place for us to party. So yeah I'd be stuck on my birthday without a party. *sobs*. My Mom told me to choose like 9 girls to invite to a small birthday party that i can throw at home. But to tell you the truth, I'd rather not. I mean I can't choose between my friends. I love them all to pieces. So yeah no party for me. How much more lame can life be?! *sighs*
Anyways, I'm going over to Shaikha's place today :D [Yes, we have the same name] She invited us all to get together and watch a movie I think. Whatever. I know we're gonna have fun :D She told me that she's inviting 15 girls :D WOOHOO! Girls night :D:D Thank God my mom allowed me to stay till 11 at night :D I'm so excited. I'm wearing my new skinny black jeans with a cute, red, Zara top :D
Shaikha x


Lydia Chian said...

Hihi! Just wanna wish you an advanced "feliz Compleanos!" Have fun! I know that 16 makes most of us feel old. It's like another 4 more years then we'll be turning 20. Lolz, so pesimistic! Look to the brighter side, Lydia Chian!!!! Plz, plz, plz!

Anonymous said...

Watching football when you should be studying! A disgrace!
Only kidding, id do the same :)

Im sure you wanted to invite me to your party, I mean my card was simply awesome