Wednesday, December 10, 2008

and she's back!

i miss barcelona.
iwannagoback! like now. seriously. i wish i could just take my passport and runaway with my best friend and book the next flight to barcelona like they normally do in the movies. ahh, how i wish life was like in the movies ♥
wow then i'd get to see el clasico live! omigosh! now i REALLY wanna go. why am i doing this to myself? ok. no more footy talk, kk?
no buts young lady! you'll only end up crying and begging mom to travel which is rather impossible what with all thats going on right now. okay well there's not much going on, but still traveling, to my mom, needs a lot of time and preparations...
funny how i talk to myself sometimes =/ you have no idea how many times my friends catch me talking to myself. but it's just me. without this habit, i wouldnt exactly be... shaikha. y'know?
ooooh oooooh!! i almost forgot. me has a new pet[:
tis a whale :D. not just any whale, an ORANGE whale. his name's skip. he lives in our backyard. he's pretty much made of awesome... orange awesome.
dom created him. thankyou dom[: