Monday, December 29, 2008

its all coming to an end...

2008 has been a great year. It's been filled with countless happy moments that are now cherished as memories. And then there were all those depressing moments that I hate remembering. But hey, I think every single person always has their ups and downs every year, so it's normal...

I'm writing today about the five most fascinating things that happened/effected me in 2008. (Not in order)

1- Visiting the Camp Nou. Visiting my favorite team's football stadium was a dream coming true, the stadium was enormous and I would do anything to relive that day. Spain is a wonderful country, I'd like to visit it again some day :] thank you mom for taking us there and helping me pursue my dream :D

2- Going to Makkah. As a Muslim, this was undoubtedly a great religious experience that I'll never forget. Of course, going there with my cousins helps keeps me entertained and kills away boredom (not that we were bored much...)

3- My birthday! Thank you Reema for the great surprise. She took me to my favorite restaurant with my two best friends and to my complete surprise, many of my friends were there waiting for me! Ilovemyfriendssofreakingmuch. And the gifts I got from my friends and family leave me speechless. I can never thank them enough...

4- Movies & Music. I was entertained through out the year by a great deal of awesome movies, the dark knight tops them all (rip heath). Music! I've discovered a lot of new bands this year, like the cab, boys like girls, and a lot more and you know what, I LOVE them! I can't go a day without listening to music...

5- Family & Friends! My family has been strong even though we lost someone really special, my great grandmother, Shaikha. I'm names after her :( She left us but we'll never remain the same. You're always in our heart. But my family made it through, and we try to keep each other entertained and we're actually growing closer. My amigos! I love them! I am only my true self when I'm with them. I can be goofy, dumb, crazy, a pain in the bottom, serious, but most importantly, be myself when I'm around them.

I hope that 2009 will bring more joy and happiness to my family and friends, and everyone, really.


Lydia Chian said...

yeah, 2008 has been a thoroughtly a great year for me too! Albeit the ups and downs that I have... And I'm gonna miss my form 4 classroom too!

Anonymous said...

Not the best year for me to be honest.


Shaikha said...

aww :(

i hope things turn out better in 2009! :)