Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year Resolutions for Twenty-oh-Nine!

New Year Resolution:

1- Study harder.

I'm a very lazy person, and you have no idea how much I struggle to get my homework done. This is gonna be hard for me, but I think that I really need to settle down and study harder. And by 'study', I really mean study. I hate always being the one who gets the lowest marks between my best friends, and then getting yelled at by Mom because of it. So I'm gonna challenge myself to get at least a B in each subject.

2- Stand up for myself.
I've always been the kinda girl who never stood up for herself. I know its wrong and this is why, from now on, im gonna be a stronger person; if someone did something wrong to me, I wont just pretend it never happened, im gonna stand up to myself, and show everyone that I've changed.

3- Be nicer to Mom.
I really need to watch my mouth when talking to Mom. Seriously. Don't you think I owe it all to her for being who I am right now? I'm usually rather nice to her, its only when I she's overprotective that gets on my nerves. And when she says 'no', which she says quiet a lot, let me tell you that! But this year, I'll be nicer to her by being more obedient and not talking back.

4- Write neatly.
You don't even wanna see my handwriting. It's the worst thing ever. Seriously. It's so messy that even, I can't read it sometimes.

5- Clean up after myself.
I usually leave a mess everywhere I sit. It really annoys my Mom, and most of my troubles are always behind my messes. I'll try to clean up after every mess I make from now on…

[Note to reader: Shaikha always wrights a new year resolution, but she never actually follows them. Never.]


Anonymous said...

Thats so sweet.
Good luck for 09

Shaikha said...

thanks :D haha although im pretty suer i wont stick to my resolutions xD