Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I thought I knew who you were

It's funny how people act really nice to your face, and then talk shit about you behind your back.

It's the sad truth we live nowadays. The sad truth.


Yana said...


But HI!
I followed your advice and created own blog. I don't really know how to use this but I'm trying. :D (I'm Jaana)
See ya!

Stephy said...

Exactly why I don't even try and have an extremely large group of friends or even try to hang around certain people...

Shaikha said...

@ Yana:
I'm glad you like it :D I'll keep checking it out every now and then :D yay blogger buddies xD

@ SweetB:
I find myself hating a lot of people nowadays. What is happening to the world?! D: