Saturday, April 4, 2009

Thought that we were stronger

I think I'm getting addicted to Twitter.
So freakin awesome[:

Bayern Munich is so gonna get their asses kicked by Barcelona. =) If they don't, well, they will in my mind. =)
Because Stephy says so =]

Finally got my copy of Now Thats What I Call Music! 30.
Shit I'm addicted to 'I Hate This Part' by the Pussycat Dolls. Latest guilty pleasure, I guess.

My brothers playing Resident Evil on his PS3, and has been doing so for the last 3 hours. o_O Boys are weird.

Its 1:11 am. I'm starving.


Stephy said...

welcome to the twittering world =)


I'm about to get ready to go to bed!
Tengo sueño!!!!!

voy a la mi escuela mañana para ver "La Casa de Bernarda Alba" en el Papp Theatre en mi escuela. Debe fantástico! Ojála.

Meow Shaikha, meow.
woof woof
put a kitty paw on it.

Shaikha said...

Thanks. I find it really addicting lol =]

Yep! Really psyched about the match. I KNOW we will win this one :D

Yeah? I hope you have fun! I actually got most of the words you typed in Spanish. Unbelievable.

Tweet tweet.
Imma birdie =D