Saturday, January 2, 2010

oh right, i still have this thing.

i randomly remembered i have this blog yesterday!
well might as well update it! :D

first off, let me start by wishing everyone a happy new year!
2010 baby!
i truly believe that this will be a better year. 2009 was just plain awful.
full of tragic deaths of loved ones, might i add.

so anywaaaaay, my life is pretty much moving smoothly.
i actually like the way things are right now. 2009 has helped me know who my real friends are and who just wants to sit with me to get the attention.
*sigh* its not easy being popular. xD

i'm wearing this Fall Out Boy hoodie Meto got me from their concert in London.
why did you have to leave our school? =(

speaking of school, IT STARTS ON MONDAY!
omg, Winter Break's almost overrrr~
no faaiiirrr :'(

got a lot to do today (mainly finish unfinished homework)
so yeahhh,
im offf for nowww.


Lydia Chian said...

Hi there! =)

Happy belated new year to you. Hope that you'll have fun in school. Even if you didn't, hang in there. Vamos, amiga! =)

Yana said...

Happy new year :)

I really hope this year will be awesome for you!

I haven't heard of you for a long time!

I miss you (and hope that you still remember who I am xD haha)

Lydia Chian said...

Hahahaz, hilarious!

How come you never blog since new year 2010 this year?

Lydia Chian said...