Saturday, October 4, 2008

I rock? :D

Okay, I'll make this short. Here's what's been going on lately:

1) My BFF, Maryam's, birthday was yesterday. I feel bad for not getting to be there with her and spend some great time together. But she's in KSA, with her family so... Anyways. I got her a shirt from Zara as a birthday gift. This is actually the first time I buy clothes as a birthday present, to be honest. But I'll think she'll like it :D

2) I was this close to buying these amazing new Nikes, I've been wanting for weeks now. We went shoppiong today, my mom, my sister, and myself. I tired the red Nikes on and they were my exact size! I was so happy! They were only BD 44.000 (a little over $100). And my mom was ok with the price so I was really happy. However, when we went to pay, turns out they kept the wrong label. The shoes were BD 60.000 ($150). My mom was all "Oh! But that's too expensive. No, we will not buy it." Gah, I hate it when she does that in front of people. It's sososo embarassing.

3) My cousin, Haya, underwent a surgery a couple days ago. I don't know what kind of surgery, to be frank. But I do know it's in her back. I think I'm going to have to go visit her, she lives nextdoor. I mean I HAVE to visit her. I mean if i didn't, hat kind of person would that make me?

4) School starts tomorrow. I was all excited and all a few days ago. Now? I'm all "No Thanks!" I don't know, I guess I just lost interest maybe?

5) Ok I'll end this. I'm totally booked! I have the Sunderland-Arsenal match to worry about (which already started, by the way). And then I have to watch the Blackburn Rovers-Manchester United match (GOO BLACKBURN! Thanks to a friend, now I'm crushing over this really hot Blackburn player =/) And last but not least, I'm watching Barcelona-Atletico Madrid match which will finish at 1:00 AM, and then I'll go get some sleep for school tomorrow. Of course, I'm not sure if my mom will be kind enough to let me watch the whole Barcelona match (I doubt it, to be honest)

6) Please leave me comments, yes?:)


Anonymous said...

Yeah, we have a lot in common.
My new hair cut is ok.
wow, you have been very busy lately. School starts tomorrow for you? I have about a week until I start term 4.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the comment on the magazine, your site is gorgeous I love polkadotted backgrounds :]

Lydia Chian said...

School started? Mine starts today - 6/10/08. I fell sick somehow and I dont know whay I fell sick that often. :( But anywayz...

New Nikes? Wow, cool! The last time I went and buy a pair of Adidas sports shoes was three years back and I still could wear it though...:D It still looks pretty new to me cuz I didnt wear it that often nowadays. :P

I hate clothes shopping! I never know why actually. Lolz. :P

Anonymous said...

Ooh that is embarassing lol im glad i buy my own stuff now :)

Anonymous said...

Its a shame that Santa Cruz was quite poor in that game

Hes out for three weeks with injury :(

Lydia Chian said...

Lolz, hopes that he (Santa Cruz) gets well soon!