Sunday, April 12, 2009

Estoy cansada, verdad!

First day of school after spring break.
Really really really really tired o_O

First day of Spanish classes after the two-week holiday.
Muy muy muy muy cansada.

Fill in the blanks:
I think yawning is _____ because _____________ .

best comment that makes me laugh gets a free Shaikha autograph.
yes, i said a shaikha autograpgh *gasp* D:

k, i'm off now. adios :]


Stephy said...

I think yawning is a should be crime because I do it when Barcelona plays, but a beautiful way of self expression when Real Madrid plays.

rObOtIc SaLaDsssssss!

maryaminho said...

i think yawning is REALLY REALLY funny when sum ppl do it bec they never stop!