Monday, April 6, 2009

my scars remind me the past is real

i ♥ my friends.
they make my world go 'round :]

yay! i used twitter through my mobile web for the first time today. didn't cost much, at all. seems like twittering when im out isn't a problem anymore[:

ok. i have nothing to talk about, really. my mind is just blank right now...

note to self: NEVER request a joke from Zain (the mobile telecommunication service i'm using). its a waste of money. fo' realz. i request a joke, and heres what they send me:
'Dad: How did you enjoy your school trip? Son: yes, but a crab bit my toe. Dad: Which one? Son: Dunno. All crabs look alike to me.'
kaaaay. i fail to see the humor. is it just me, or does this so called 'joke' seem really lame, and so not funny? o__O
waste of money people. waste of money.


Quote of the day:
"There are two kinds of failures: those who thought and never did, and those who did and never thought."


Stephy said...

Your friends love you too!

Yea, that is a waste of money. Seems that you have been going on a cell phone shopping spree though. lol

ahhhhh randomnicity. =)

Shaikha said...


Yep! I've been using my phone recklessly these days. Ha! My mom would'nt be too pleased when she finds out I've already spent most of the phone cridet :/