Monday, April 27, 2009

Oh, she makes me feel like shit

A little crappy poem i wrote to sum up what i've been through:

i wonder if you always knew
that our friendship was never true
you replaced me, i feel like shit
i still love you, i have to admit
but being replaced by your best friend?
this, honestly i cant comprehend
how could you do this to me?
its like im something you no longer see
i'll leave you two guys alone
for i have become a complete unknown
if you see me, please do ignore
for im not the one you love, no not anymore
i gave you all my love from deep inside
but you chose her, i dont even know why
i wonder if you always knew
that our friendship was never true
you're making my life a living hell
but i have one last thing, to you i have to tell:
you make me sick. you make me blue
two words to express myself: eff you.
[please pardon my french, as im obviously muy pissed off right now]


Stephy said...

ohhhhh i know what you mean.

i'm with ya girl!

Shaikha said...

i find it somewhat rude really.

but hey, this is life. welcome to teenage years! we have to go through serious shit to grow up.

i will get over it... i hope.

Stephy said...

You will. I moved on when it happened to me.

You obviously won't do it to anyone, you know how it feels. Whatever reasons she may have and as much as it may concern you, you have a life of your own and she will be losing out on a good mit-ma.

Stephy said...

you are the ink to my pen and the pen to my paper. The paper to my notebook and the notebook to my classes. The classes to my education and the education to my knowledge. The knowledge to my actions and the actions to my doing. The doing which is a significant part of living and therefore you are part of mi vida! (and i don't care if you dislike that..... deal with it!)

The world is my tree and everyone i know is a squirrel in it =)

Shaikha said...

thanks stephy! you sure do know how to make a person feel better! =')

it is in times like these when you need your best friend's support and help to get over a person, but what if your best friend really enjoys hanging around with that person? im so confused. what did i do to deserve this? im let down by both of them, to be honest.

i don't know whether im being selfish or whether my best friend is not acting a way a real best friend would act...

but its good to know i always have you stephy :]

Stephy said...

Well, you are being selfish at all. You can always just ask here "what's wrong?" "did i do something?" or "i miss you, why don't we talk much anymore" just to be sure you aren't really getting the ideas she makes you receive.

Course, your friend can have other good friends but it's the fact that she is blowing you off without a reason is pretty messed up.

you did nothing to deserve the treatment, but honestly, bad things happen to great people... and some of them will hurt! Eventually though, we have to take knowledge of the other people or things we have.

Don't make yourself suffer for her actions! =)
You knows you have people who care for you.

And i speak making sure you know even though we are at a distance (and even if we weren't) i couldn't do that to you. Rejection camp is not a happy camp!

maryaminho said...

What about now?
What about today?
What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
What if our love NEVER went away?
What if it's lost behind words we could never find?
Baby, before it's too late,
What about now?

love u my shosha,, and dont u ever dare to think the opposite!