Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year Resolutions for Twenty-oh-Nine!

New Year Resolution:

1- Study harder.

I'm a very lazy person, and you have no idea how much I struggle to get my homework done. This is gonna be hard for me, but I think that I really need to settle down and study harder. And by 'study', I really mean study. I hate always being the one who gets the lowest marks between my best friends, and then getting yelled at by Mom because of it. So I'm gonna challenge myself to get at least a B in each subject.

2- Stand up for myself.
I've always been the kinda girl who never stood up for herself. I know its wrong and this is why, from now on, im gonna be a stronger person; if someone did something wrong to me, I wont just pretend it never happened, im gonna stand up to myself, and show everyone that I've changed.

3- Be nicer to Mom.
I really need to watch my mouth when talking to Mom. Seriously. Don't you think I owe it all to her for being who I am right now? I'm usually rather nice to her, its only when I she's overprotective that gets on my nerves. And when she says 'no', which she says quiet a lot, let me tell you that! But this year, I'll be nicer to her by being more obedient and not talking back.

4- Write neatly.
You don't even wanna see my handwriting. It's the worst thing ever. Seriously. It's so messy that even, I can't read it sometimes.

5- Clean up after myself.
I usually leave a mess everywhere I sit. It really annoys my Mom, and most of my troubles are always behind my messes. I'll try to clean up after every mess I make from now on…

[Note to reader: Shaikha always wrights a new year resolution, but she never actually follows them. Never.]

Monday, December 29, 2008

its all coming to an end...

2008 has been a great year. It's been filled with countless happy moments that are now cherished as memories. And then there were all those depressing moments that I hate remembering. But hey, I think every single person always has their ups and downs every year, so it's normal...

I'm writing today about the five most fascinating things that happened/effected me in 2008. (Not in order)

1- Visiting the Camp Nou. Visiting my favorite team's football stadium was a dream coming true, the stadium was enormous and I would do anything to relive that day. Spain is a wonderful country, I'd like to visit it again some day :] thank you mom for taking us there and helping me pursue my dream :D

2- Going to Makkah. As a Muslim, this was undoubtedly a great religious experience that I'll never forget. Of course, going there with my cousins helps keeps me entertained and kills away boredom (not that we were bored much...)

3- My birthday! Thank you Reema for the great surprise. She took me to my favorite restaurant with my two best friends and to my complete surprise, many of my friends were there waiting for me! Ilovemyfriendssofreakingmuch. And the gifts I got from my friends and family leave me speechless. I can never thank them enough...

4- Movies & Music. I was entertained through out the year by a great deal of awesome movies, the dark knight tops them all (rip heath). Music! I've discovered a lot of new bands this year, like the cab, boys like girls, and a lot more and you know what, I LOVE them! I can't go a day without listening to music...

5- Family & Friends! My family has been strong even though we lost someone really special, my great grandmother, Shaikha. I'm names after her :( She left us but we'll never remain the same. You're always in our heart. But my family made it through, and we try to keep each other entertained and we're actually growing closer. My amigos! I love them! I am only my true self when I'm with them. I can be goofy, dumb, crazy, a pain in the bottom, serious, but most importantly, be myself when I'm around them.

I hope that 2009 will bring more joy and happiness to my family and friends, and everyone, really.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

another birthday!

its my moms birthday today. i kinda feel bad for not getting her a gift like i usually do, but this time she insisted she didn't want anything. i know i was still supposed to get her something, with the card i got her, but its not like i had anything in mind. so the card i bought her was one of these happy-birthday-mom cards from this really well-known gift shop, and i decided to write a little poem on it. of course being myself, i left everything till last minute. me and my sister decided to give her our cards at 12AM, and it was like around 11:45, so i was left with 15 minutes to come up with a poem. i usually don't take time to write poems, but i felt pressured at that moment, so the result was... well lets just say it wasn't even close to my best writing skills. the words were kinda babyish, not how i thought it'd turn out, but hey, at least it was something written by me, right? i mean, to my mom, its all about the message you send across, so it was cool. when i gave my mom the card, to my absolute surprise, she cried after reading the poem! she said it was really touching and meaningful! she cried at my "cheap" poem! like omg! i was surprised, and to be frank with you, seeing her cry really touched me, my eyes started foggin up o_O. twas weird, im getting so sensitive these days, and i hate it. anyway, here's the poem (feel free to laugh at its crappiness):

from my baby steps
to all the lessons i'll never forget
you are my number one all the way through
i would'nt be myself, if it weren't for you
you are my teacher, my friend, my guide
and i promise you, i'll always be by your side
i only wish that i'll one day become just like you
to help, to guide, to love and care like you always do
you are always there righting my wrongs
let me assure you that in my heart's where you belong

confession: i watched the little mermaid two days ago.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Birthday! [=



If you're a Lionel Messi fan, then come join us at this forum :]

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

i used to know you so well..

i'm sick. again.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

messi - the reason i wanna learn spanish

Heres a short update of what's been going on in my life, lately.
1- Barca won el clasico! I'm still amazed by my men! I'm so proud of them <3
2- My order from FC Barcelona's official site is finally here. I ordered a wristband that says "Messi 10", and three sets of stickers coz im childish that way.
3- I'm going to learn Espanol!!! Yes! I'm finally learning the language I've been dying to learn. I'll be taking classes with my mom starting Jan 4. I think its quite funny being in a class with my mom hahaha xD
4- Went shopping with my sister and her best friend today. I didn't really want to go but I just did. I saw my fellow friends from school: Reema, Fatima J., Rahma and a couple of other girls. It's hard keeping in touch with friends when there's a long holiday. So it's a good thing I did actually go. Like they say, "Everything happens for a reason".
5- Going to have breakfast tomorrow at Starbucks in the City Centre with my cousin Mariam, my aunt, and my grandma. Yes, I said my grandma. She's been sitting at home a lot recently so my aunt decided to take her along with us =D
6- Happy National Day, to all Bahrainis :D. Si, hoy esta el national dais. ok i just made that up, i wanted to say 'yes, to day is our national day' in spainish ahaha.
7- iRock (my iPod) says hiiii to you[:

Friday, December 12, 2008

meet me on thames street

Had tons of fun yesterday with my cousin Mariam. I love her a lot. She's my new favorite person[:

anyways, i'm off to the mall with my mom, my auntie, and sister.

can't wait for el clasico tomorrow :D
visca el barca!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

and she's back!

i miss barcelona.
iwannagoback! like now. seriously. i wish i could just take my passport and runaway with my best friend and book the next flight to barcelona like they normally do in the movies. ahh, how i wish life was like in the movies ♥
wow then i'd get to see el clasico live! omigosh! now i REALLY wanna go. why am i doing this to myself? ok. no more footy talk, kk?
no buts young lady! you'll only end up crying and begging mom to travel which is rather impossible what with all thats going on right now. okay well there's not much going on, but still traveling, to my mom, needs a lot of time and preparations...
funny how i talk to myself sometimes =/ you have no idea how many times my friends catch me talking to myself. but it's just me. without this habit, i wouldnt exactly be... shaikha. y'know?
ooooh oooooh!! i almost forgot. me has a new pet[:
tis a whale :D. not just any whale, an ORANGE whale. his name's skip. he lives in our backyard. he's pretty much made of awesome... orange awesome.
dom created him. thankyou dom[:

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Because I have nothing better to do...

Hello! Long time no blog! Hahaha well yeah I seem to have a life lately. Went shopping with Maryam(inho) on Thursday. T'was fun. Yesterday, I went to Haya's (my cousin) birthday party! It was fun :D none of my other cousins came which was pretty weird. I mean I knew no one over there except for the birthday girl, that is. But I managed to get a long with pretty much everyone. There's this girl, Asma, who seems really nice :) She gave me her msn and number so we can maybe, i don't know, get together some time? I'm sure she'll be a great friend :D

Anyways, moving on to some serious business aka homework. I have these Environmental science questions that I need to get done for Monday, but decided to finish today. They are nine questions, I've finished four of them so far, which is good, considering I answered them in paragraphs. Normally I'd just throw in a sentence and two to get it over with. And I'd get somewthing like a D. Who would've guessed, right? haha. So yeah I have this stupid project too. Yes, Environmental Science project. What's with Ms. Jain? She's been loading us with homework lately :( I also have this Arabic Social Studies test on Monday >_<. I hate Arabic Social Studies, it's so HARD! Wish me luck, yo.

Moving on to the lameness...

Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Where were you last night?
In my bed sleeping...

What is today's date?
November 29, a month after my birthday.

Who was the last person to call you baby/babe?
Reema lol.

Anyone crushing on you?
I don't know?!

What is your relationship status?
Single and loving it ;)

Has anyone ever sang to you?
Yes ahahaha

Has anyone ever given you roses?
Nope hahaha

If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
Me? Shaikha? The wilderness? Heck no!

Who do you text the most?

How do you make your money?
I don't make money, I get it :]

First person to text today?
No one so far.

What is your favorite color?

What color are your eyes?
Dark brown.

How tall are you?
5'7" and a half.

Do you like your parents?
I don't like them.... i LOVE them!

Do you secretly like someone?
I like myself, but sshhh! Don't tell anyone, kk?

Who was the last person you said you loved on the phone?
Can't remember haha. My mom?! LOL idk...

Where is the furthest place you've traveled?
The States.

Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep?
Eat :]

Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
My dad

How long does it take you to shower?

Can you do splits?

Are you flexible?
Hahahaha maybe...

What did you do on New Years Eve?
Can't remember, tbh.

Was your mom there?

Can you speak any other language than English?
Arabic and some French. I also know a few words in Espanol.

What is the last letter of your middle name?

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
Dude. I'm too lazy to count.

Do you wear your seat belt in the car?
Not always..

Are you scared of flying?

What do you sleep in?

Who was the last person you kissed?
Kissed on the cheek? Haya my cousin :]

Do you like funny people or serious people?
Funny :]

What are you listening to?

What jewelry do you wear all the time?
My favorite peace necklace.

What do you have planned for tonight?
Nothing. Maybe watch La Liga?

Is the last person you kissed older than you?
Haya? Yeah she just turned 17.

Do you prefer myspace or socialsplash?
I became immune to these sites.

Do you have a favorite item of clothing?
My skinny jeans :D

Do you like messages or comments better?
I used to like comments but now I've lost intrest in Myspace.

Last movie you saw in theaters?
High School Musical 3. Whaaaat? It was a school trip!

Last thing you ate?

What was last thing you drank?
Orange juice.

Are you happy right now?
I guess...

If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
My father :'(

Who makes you happiest right now?
My friends.

What were you doing at midnight last night?
Listening to iRock (He's my iPod)

Are you left handed?
I wish.

What was for dinner tonight?
Dude. It's 2:30PM

What is the last thing you thought about?
My environmental science homework :( I didn't finish it yet UURGHH!

When is your birthday?
October 29.

Do you want to get married & have children one day?
Not a priority but yah I guess...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Well, like the title states, I hate my life. I just discovered that one of my favorite bands, Simple Plan, will be on tour in Dubai on December 5th. Yes, I said Simple Plan will be going to dubai! Ohkay so Dubai is really close to Bahrain, takes only 45 mins to get there by plane, so its really not that far. It's considered pretty close, really. And the VIP tickets cost BD 50 which is only about $133, which is a reasonable price (I think). Don't ask me, I've never been to a concert before. Ohkay so there I was, just discovering that one of my dreams is actually coming true, I rush downstairs to tell Mom, who seemed rather bored by the subject. After giving her the best speech I could put together about how this band inspired me and gave me hope in life, especially through my downs, my Mom didn't have much to say. 'No! There's no way I'm gonna let you fly over to Dubai to watch some band perform! I mean okay they're coming to Dubai, so what?! You have your iPod in which you can listen to them all day long. I'm really sorry but there's no way your going' I got so frusterated! ARGH! Why is this happening to me? Why's life so unfair? THE WHOLE FREAKING TRIP DOESN'T COST MUCH AND ITS SIMPLE PLAN FOR CRUING OUT LOUD! Sometimes my mom is just waaaay to overprotective its not even funny! Why can't my Mom just lemme go? For once? I mean please! I seriously feel so low. What did I do to deserve an overprotected Mom like mine? I mean okay yeah sure she's great and all but picture this she never even allowed me to sleepover at one of my friend's house. Isn't it! =/

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Move, shake, now drop drop drop drop!

Bahaha yesterday was major fun! Shaikha's little brother, Khalid, sure knows how to host a party! He's the cutest 9-year-old (i think) boy ever. He's a talented dancer, I must say. I see a bright future ahead of him. Hahah kidding! But he sure is an entertainment :] He wouldn't stop silly dancing all day. I enjoyed my time. Anyways. I won't watch Barca tonight because I have School tomorrow and the match starts at 11 PM. So yeah School is Stupid, yes?

Shaikha x

Friday, October 24, 2008

It's been a while

It's been a while since I last blogged. Well, I didn't think anywone cared about my blog, to be honest. But wow turns out my good friend, Lydia, does. hahaha I love you Lydia for caring about my boring life x]
So, I had my Environmental Science test yesterday. I didn't do too well. But it wasn't that bad as well. I'm hoping for a C, at least. I hope I get something higher, but then again I don't deserve a high grade because I didn't study well. I was to busy watching Barca's match. [FIVE GOALS! DON'T WE JUST ROCK?]
There's not too much going on with me right now. Well, my birthday's coming, which is on October 29. I would do anything to just stay 15 forever. I don't want to turn 16. :( It makes me feel so old. I won't have a birthday party, because I can't invite all of my friends (25 girls) to our house due to the lack of place for us to party. So yeah I'd be stuck on my birthday without a party. *sobs*. My Mom told me to choose like 9 girls to invite to a small birthday party that i can throw at home. But to tell you the truth, I'd rather not. I mean I can't choose between my friends. I love them all to pieces. So yeah no party for me. How much more lame can life be?! *sighs*
Anyways, I'm going over to Shaikha's place today :D [Yes, we have the same name] She invited us all to get together and watch a movie I think. Whatever. I know we're gonna have fun :D She told me that she's inviting 15 girls :D WOOHOO! Girls night :D:D Thank God my mom allowed me to stay till 11 at night :D I'm so excited. I'm wearing my new skinny black jeans with a cute, red, Zara top :D
Shaikha x

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Happy Sweet Sixteen Fatima!

Ok, so yesterday was Fatima's, my BFF, sweet sixteen party =) Me and Maryam arrived at 4 PM and helped her choose what to wear and stuff. A lot of girls from school showed up. All in all, we all were about 26 girls, which was a lot considering this is the first party Fatima throws at her house. It was really fun. Well, at first everyone was kindof shy and all, but then we all got into the party spirit, y'know goofing around, making silly dances and stuff. Maryam did her robot dance (which I'm dying to learn, btw). It was all good, though. I didn't dance (not because I didn't want to, it's just that I don't KNOW how). But I enjoyed just sitting back and laughing at whoever's dancing and gossiping. Ahh yes gossiping! What's a girl's party without gossip? haha.
At 9:30 PM most of the girls were gone. We were only six girls left (including birthday girl, Fatima). So this meant that it was time for the AFTERPARTY! Woohooo! I love afterparties :) There so much fun! So we had the place all ours and we just pretened to be rockstars and sang rock songs really loud haha. Then we made a deal to perform a song toegether in the school concert. Hahahaha ever heard of the saying "Never make promises when you're happy" guys? Yeah, that didn't work with us hahaha. It was really fun :D Fatima got a lotta gifts including a Pink PlayStation 2 (or was it 3?) and a Nintendo DS, a lot of perfume sets, a lot of cute tops, accesories, make up sets, nail polish, and many more. Oh and she liked the video me and Maryam made her! We've been working on a birthday video for over a month now. We got all the our mates from school to tell her a birthday message. It was so cute, she almost cried <3
Oh and I really appreciate all your comments guys :D Thanks!
Shaikha x

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Weekend at last! :D

Okay so weekend's finally here. I'm so glad weekend's here. It's been a really long week at school. So we took three test in school this week, Environmental Science, Math, and IB Business & Management. I got the results for the Environmental Science test. Not so good. 71% which makes me a C-. But, I think it's good since I'm one of the eight girls who passed (There are 24 girls in our class). Maryam got a 61%, she barely passed :(. Fatima, actually failed. I feel sorry for the both of them, and well for myself as well. I mean, I studied really hard. But that's just my story will all the sciences. Chemistry. Physical Science. Earth Science. Biology. I never liked Science. Or Math. But I actually did well this time, on my Math test. Maybe it's the new teacher? Hmm. I still didn't get my result though. But I'm optimistic :D My IB Business & Management? Hmm. Not that good, but not that bad too. I still didn't get my results, but I'm definitely not expecting an A.

Anyway, moving on... I feel so lame because I'm not doing anything today. Seriously. Fatima and Maryam kindof have plans so we can't really do anything together. So what did I do? Msn. Lots of music. Hotmail. Messi's Forum. Sims 2.
Lame, I know. But whatever. At least I'm trying to entertain myself here.

Shaikha x

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I rock? :D

Okay, I'll make this short. Here's what's been going on lately:

1) My BFF, Maryam's, birthday was yesterday. I feel bad for not getting to be there with her and spend some great time together. But she's in KSA, with her family so... Anyways. I got her a shirt from Zara as a birthday gift. This is actually the first time I buy clothes as a birthday present, to be honest. But I'll think she'll like it :D

2) I was this close to buying these amazing new Nikes, I've been wanting for weeks now. We went shoppiong today, my mom, my sister, and myself. I tired the red Nikes on and they were my exact size! I was so happy! They were only BD 44.000 (a little over $100). And my mom was ok with the price so I was really happy. However, when we went to pay, turns out they kept the wrong label. The shoes were BD 60.000 ($150). My mom was all "Oh! But that's too expensive. No, we will not buy it." Gah, I hate it when she does that in front of people. It's sososo embarassing.

3) My cousin, Haya, underwent a surgery a couple days ago. I don't know what kind of surgery, to be frank. But I do know it's in her back. I think I'm going to have to go visit her, she lives nextdoor. I mean I HAVE to visit her. I mean if i didn't, hat kind of person would that make me?

4) School starts tomorrow. I was all excited and all a few days ago. Now? I'm all "No Thanks!" I don't know, I guess I just lost interest maybe?

5) Ok I'll end this. I'm totally booked! I have the Sunderland-Arsenal match to worry about (which already started, by the way). And then I have to watch the Blackburn Rovers-Manchester United match (GOO BLACKBURN! Thanks to a friend, now I'm crushing over this really hot Blackburn player =/) And last but not least, I'm watching Barcelona-Atletico Madrid match which will finish at 1:00 AM, and then I'll go get some sleep for school tomorrow. Of course, I'm not sure if my mom will be kind enough to let me watch the whole Barcelona match (I doubt it, to be honest)

6) Please leave me comments, yes?:)

Thursday, October 2, 2008


The Shakhtar - Barca match was amazing! Awesome ending, I must say! Just when you start losing hope of winning, Leo strikes again x) Lionel is just made of so much win. Seriously. He gives winning a whole new definition. My mom didn't stop screaming at the top of her lungs when Leo scored. And my brother, yeah he didn't stop jumping up and down (I felt the ground shake. Really, It was like he was superman or something). Me? Oh I just died, several times. You would do the same if you've seen his goals. Really. He's just so fabulous. He wins at life. ♥
Anyways, moving into a completely different note: Eid was amazing. It was great seeing all my family members, and just uniting with them to chitchat. This happens rarely. The whole family meets, I mean. It's because we are a BIG family and we live in very DIFFERENT places in the country. So yeah, it was great catching up with all of my cousins and all. And today well technicaly the day yesterday, since it's almost 12:30 AM now, I was supposed to go to my Aunt's house for lunch. It's the family tradition, every second Eid day, the whole family meets up at my Aunt's house. Guess who didn't show up because she had to finish some stupid homework? Surprise surprise, myself. I swear, homework is just ... never mind? What's the point of complaining anyway? It's not like I can change the homework policy by my stupid blog. *sighs* So yeah anyway, I finished my math homework (I'm not even sure I did the right pages), I also finished one of my Business & Management homework. I'll do the other one tomorrow; I need some help from my Aunt with it. Oh and I have to study for my Math test coming up next week :( Oh and I also have this Environmental Science test coming up next week, too. It consists of two long chapters. Really long chapters. Talking 'bout ten pages (each chapter). I only have three days to finish all this shit =/ I'll wake up early tomorrow and start with the Environmental I guess, or idk, I'll just study whatever I feel like studying.
Oh and I went shopping the other day with my mom and guess what? I DIDN'T FIND ANY YELLOW CONVERSES!

Friday, September 26, 2008


wow, i can't remember the last time i blogged lol. i haven't blogged in ages because of school and all. right now i'm blogging because i have the time to do so; we have a one-week holiday from school because of eid (eid is like christmas, for us muslims). so yeah one week without school, without quizes, without homework, without tests, without teachers, without waking up at 6:30 am, seems like heaven doesn't it? well, to me, it won't be heaven. i'll be stuck here in bahrain without my two bee eff effs. fatima went to kuwait yesterday to spend eid with her family living there, and maryam is going to ksa to spend eid with her family as well. and poor old me will be left alone in bahrain :( seems like i'll be doing a lot of reading to kill time. i might blog more often, who knows? lol. at least i have barca playing tomorrow and and lionel messi's forum to keep me alive.

Shaikha x

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Saay whaaat?!

Ok ok, I know I haven't blogged since *counts on fingers* four? yes that's right four days. But hey I have a reason, I really do. But first I have to say something seriously important! LIONEL MESSI GOT A HAIRCUT! OHMYGOD! I totally freaked out when I found out about it yesterday. Why, Leo, why'd you cut your hair? I mean your hair was the first thing that attracted me to you :( In the pictures attached, you can see him before and after the hair cut in the same day. I know, it's heartbreaking. *sobs* Oh, I wanna know what you guys think about Leo's new hair.

Anyway, I failed my English IB test :( Only nine girls (including myself) took the test and guess how many passed! ONLY ONE! SOLO UNO (I just love Spanish lol). And the girl who passed got a 13 out of 15. All Eight girls failed, sadly. I shared an 8 out of 15 with one of my classmates, whereas five girls got a 7 out of 15, and one poor girl got an unexpected 5 out of 15. It's really overwhelming. I mean some of my mates I thought would pass so easily. To know that I got a higher mark than them is really surprising. But hey don't get me wrong, I'm not smarter than them or anything, for most of my answers were gussing since the test was a mutliple choice test. But yeah I failed... and so I'm dropping the English IB class. I'll just join Mariam in the standard English class :(

Oh and the reason why I haven't blogged in ages is because of the shitty internet connection and well school. Yeah.

- Shaikha x

Saturday, August 30, 2008

O Hai : ]

Here's a glimpse of how things have been going over here :)

1) Mushtaq, my cousins' driver had a sudden heart attack! He was rushed to the hospital and is currently still there, fighting for life. It's dreadful, really. I feel sorry for the poor guy :( I really do. Get well soon, Mushtaq.

2) I actually survived last night without listening to my iPod. What an accomplishment that is! I forgot it in the car when we got back from shopping for school supplies. I think that I should be adequately rewarded or something. Like maybe, i dunno, a first class trip to Spain? XD

3) I can't stop worrying about my English class. What if I fail my English IB test? Well, there's a plus side for this; I'd be in the Standered English class with one of my BFFs, Maryam. However the minus side is, obviously, I won't be part of the English IB class :( SOMEONE HELP!

4) I go a new haircut which I absolutely hate. My hair is too short >=( *is not pleased*

5) I got to spend some quality time with my 5-year-old-cousin, you know, the one who once lost my iPod, last night. I spent 90+ minutes with him watching Manhester United v Zenit St. Petersburg, a football (soccer) match.

6) Manchester United lost!!! This pretty much made my night yesterday! =D=D=D

Well, this pretty much sums it up. Oh and SHGS student: ENJOY YOUR LAST DAY OF SUMMER! I'LL SEE YOU IN SCHOOL TOMORROW ;) ;)

Shaikha x

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Orientation [ :

Today was orientation day at school. As many of you are know, most school starts nest week. Well, our school starts next week, anyway. It starts on Sunday 31 August, 2008, to be exact. Yes on a Sunday. Now before any of you think "Hey, isn't Sunday weekend?" and such thoughts, you must know this: Weekends in Bahrain are on Friday and Saturday. Yep, no Sunday in there. Only Friday and Saturday. So yeah, no that we've gotten this cleared out, let's move on, shall we? :)
Ohkay, so the school improved A LOT! They opened this new HUGE building. The classes have more room now. It's pretty cool, really. Now there are not one, not two, but three science labs which I find quite astonishing, for an eight-year-old school. We also have another library now, which is two stories :D Oh did I mention that we have an elevator? I know, it's amazing. Oh and most of our teachers are new so I'm kindof lost here. Our school FINALLY got us metallic lockers, which we'd been begging for ages. Now on to our subjects:
English: Ms. Keesha will be teaching us English IB. She's not new, she was there last year, and from what I heard, her class is somewhat fun. However, when we entered her class she was all serious. She said that if we think that we're not good enough to be in her "IB class" we should leave while we still can. This, tbh, leaves me worried = /. I'm not sure if I'm in the right class, maybe I should drop to Standard English. I don't know. Really confused. She said she'd test us and if we passed, we'll be a part of her class. I hope I pass. I mean I really wanna be an English IB student =(
Arabic: There's this new teacher names Ms. Jenan (I think). She seems pretty strict. I hope things go well...
French: Guess what? NO FRENCH! YAAAY! OMG! AYAM SO HAPPY! :D French ftl :D
Environmental: Ms. Jain (Who taught us Chemistry last year) will be our environmental teacher this year. Let me tell you, she's the best teahcer anyone can ever as for! She is really funny and learning fun :D
Islamis Studies: Ms. Fatheya =/ Gah, why does she have to teach us this year AGAIN?!
PE: Ms. Victoria. Pfft. No comment.
Business & Managment IB: There's this new teacher from New Zealand. She seems pretty nice : ]
This is all I can remember for now.
now on to the fun part:

Shaikha x

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

:-O :-O :-O!! I don't think we can trust them shaikha

Ohkay so me and my buddy Emma have a somewhat wild imagination. Seriously. I'm obsessed with Lionel Messi, and she's obsessed with Fernando Torres. And when we're on msn we... well, see for yourself.

- MrsEmmaTorres : ) Fernando Torres says:
ohh lol so are you by messi lmaooo

Shaikha ; ] says:
yeah he's just dancing on some Hannah Montana beats ( but don't tell anyone, he'll kill me )

- MrsEmmaTorres : ) Fernando Torres says:
i wont lol tell him to stop and talk to me and you and nando on msn lol

Shaikha ; ] says:
ok (he's secretly obsessed with hannah montana)
Shaikha ; ] says:
you get nando and i'll get leo
- MrsEmmaTorres : ) Fernando Torres says:
ok lol and ive got nando

Leo: hey! I was just taking a shower! What's up?
Shaikha: Ooops somebody's lying!
nando: your lyin leo
Leo: What? Says who?
Emma: hahaha dont worry
nando: were coming to your game tonight
Leo: Really? Good I heard Hannah Montana will be there, not that I like her.
Emma: hahahahaha lmaoooooooooo
Leo: Like nando doesn't like britney spears! I saw him that day! He was dancing on her song!
Shaikha: Omg nando! Britney spears? I have to admit, hannah montana is better.
Emma: i know nando is stupid i was there
Shaikha: HAHAHAHAH! I wanna seee!
nando: noo i felt sorry for emma when i did that
Emma: well you should be
Leo: Its ok emma, its only dancing
Emma: i now lol
Shaikha: Hey emma do you know the other day when me & you went shopping? Leo & Nando went to a beyonce concert I found the pictures boys! ur busted
Emma: :-O :-O :-O i don think we can trust them shaikha
Shaikha ; ] says:

- MrsEmmaTorres : ) Fernando Torres says:

Shaikha ; ] says:
REAL LIFE: Back : )

- MrsEmmaTorres : ) Fernando Torres says:
OMG YAAAY! back to convo

Shaikha ; ] says:

Leo: yeah like me & nando dont know about that Fall Out Boy concert...
Emma: no we cant lol
Emma: ohh lol

nando: i can trust emma
Shaikha: Ahem. Leo can you trust me?
Leo: *Sighs* I guess I can...
Shaikha ; ] says:

THE END (for now)

Hahaha! Obsessed? I say beyond obsessed. If you guys love our imaginary life, I can always update you with what's been going on with Emma, Leo, Nando & myself : )

Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Birthday!

It's my brother, Hamad's birthday today! He's turning 19! Wow, time is passing really fast. I mean, yesterday we were little kids who fight over silly stuff, and now we're this. When I say 'this' I mean that there are no longer silly fights between Hamad and myself, there is also no joking around between us. As a matter of fact, we rarely even talk to each other at all! Unlike my sister and I, my relationship with my brother kinda gets weaker with time. As we're growing up, I feel like we're drifting apart more and more. That's the one thing I hate about growing up; it slowly kills my relationship with my brother. *Sighs*. Oh well, let's not ruin the moment, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAMAD! I LOVE YOU (A LOT).
Btw, my birthday's after two months - WINK WINK -
(And there's nothing I love more than gifts)
I mean, What? D:
Shaikha x

Saturday, August 23, 2008



I stayed up to watch them. Argentina, I mean. The match started at 7AM local time, and well I had no choice but to stay up to watch the match, especially since it was the final. Yep, the final. Argentina vs Nigiria play to win the gold. I was determined that Argentina was going to win. I mean, I have faith in my team. Who doesn't? Anyways, if watching my team in the final involves me staying up till 9:30AM, I'm in. I know, I'm a very loyal supporter. The first half was somewhat boring, and believe it or not, the referee stopped the match to give the players two minutes to drink water due to the hot, humid weather. Personally, I think that the Chinese didn't put much thoughts on the final football match, I mean 12PM at noon, with this weather? What were they thinking? The players suffered out there! It was like hell for them to play in such 'conditions'. And the pitch wasn't prepared well, some of the grass was ripped off, and no one bothered preparing the grass for the match! *sighs* Great, just what we needed to make a perfect football final match. Way to go China!I hope you're happy. >=[

With the second half came Di Maria's goal which gave Argentina the lead till the end of the match! Messi was, as usual, the one who passed the ball to Di Maria who placed the ball in the net. I love the great teamwork from Leo & Angel. They surely understand each other on the pitch. There's this other thing that I hated about the match, besides the stupid 'conditons' of the match. I hated the fact that the Nigerian players fouled Leo way to much! What did they wanna do? Break his leg. Maybe their coach told them to 'Break a Leg' before they went to the match, but hey, that doesn't necessarily mean break Leo's leg. And, um HELLO! It's just an expression! Jeez, how many functioning brain cells do these guys have? NILL? I'm just glad they got what they deserved, losing against Argentina!
I'm really happy for Messi and his mates! They deserved the gold medals :D I hope Messi will be as triumphant with Barca as he was with Argentina! <3
Okay I'm off to watch Arsenal vs Fulham now.
Shaikha x

Friday, August 22, 2008


My mom woke me up to have lunch with her at the mall. I was all excited until I found out that my iPod was missing. I was really really pissed off because I had just finished downloading some new songs (that took me ages to download, btw) and was planning on updating my iPod today. I looked everywhere for the iPod but couldn't find it. Seriously. Everywhere. Under my pillow. Under the bed. Inside the DVD covers. Behind the TV. I looked everywhere in my room, and well my room isn't that big, anyway. The only place I haven't looked in was the toy box, and believe me there's no way my iPod would be there. I had no choice but to call our maid and make her find it. BUT SHE DIDN'T! Seriously I started freaking out. But then she told me that my 5-year-old cousin was playing in my room yesterday and she saw my iPod in his hands. Okay, where does that little dweeb gett off, playing with my stuff without permission, especially with my iPod. Okay I figured that I'd eventually find my iPod, and if I don't, well then there's a plus side if I never find my iPod. You see, not finding my iPod would increase the possibility of my mom buying me an iPhone =D Who needs an old, stupid, scratched iPod nano (third generation) when you can have an iPhone? See, I'm smart. I don't get pissed off at silly stuff. Anyways, I got dressed and fixed my hair and was on my way outta the hosue to go to the car, where my mom was waiting for me, when my maid called my name. I turned to find out that my stupid iPod was in her hand! She found it. I was partly glad but this means I won't get an iPhone. Story of my damned life! No iPhone for me now! >=[. She found my iPod in toy box, incase you're wondering.
Anyways, my mom and I had lunch at Pizzaria :D The food was, needless to say, delicious, since it was Italian. Yep, Italiano ftw!=D <3
I also bought Meg Cabot's book, Safe House. Yeah I only got into reading recently. I'm currently reading her 1-800-WHERE-R-YOU series. They're fun :] Meggie, you're books rock! Keep it up =]
In other news, my BFF, Fatima, is coming back to Bahrain tomorrow =D She's been in Dubai for like 2 weeks. I miss her like hell xD
Well, that's all for now. ttyl!
Oh and stupid Brazil won :(
Shaikha x

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Hello :)
I decided to create this blog to just talk about my teenage life. Like what am I up to and things that happen in my life, normal bloggin, y'know? I hope that this blog wil improve my English, as I will be needing a higher level of English since I'm attending the English IB class when school starts.

So here's a little bit about me, incase you wanna be friends :D

Ok, the name's Shaikha. Pretty weird name, huh?! Well it's common here in Bahrain, the country in which I live. If you've never heard of Bahrain, I don't blame you; it's a tiny Kingdom in the Middle East (Asia). It's pretty hot over here, that's why you'll always find me thrilled whenever my Mom informs us that we're traveling. I've always liked traveling. It's just so fun. Visiting new places, learning about different cultures, and most importantly, SHOPPING! LOL! Being a girl, shopping is a must. I love shopping at Zara, French Connection, New Look, Next, GAP, Nike, Puma, H&M, and many other places xD

I'm kindof a sporty girl. I love my sports and it's FC Barcelona all the way=D It's the first football club I've ever supported, and I've been supporting them since 2006. Two words made me support this team: Lionel Messi. You see, I was watching this live match of Argentina during the World Cup, I wasn't too psyched about the match, tbh. So I decided to go on MSN and chat with some of my buddies, but somehow, something made me turn around and watch the TV. And there he was! For the first time, I laid my eyes on Messi. The first thing that caught my eye about him, besides scoring a goal and dribbling through the defender, was his hair. His hair was like fj;a.sajf'ad[uioefd; ♥. My love for Messi grows everyday. I actually made my mom sit and watch a Barca match with me one day, because I wanted to show her Messi's brilliance on the pitch. To my surprise, my Mom fell in love with the little boy's talent. I ended up adding 3 more people to Messi's fans list (you can thank me later, Leo). That's right 3 people: My Mom, My brother, and my sister. I still can't believe that my Mom is now into football. I mean this is, my Mom we're talking about. Believe it or not, on July 25 2008, while we were in Spain my Mom took us to the Camp Nou!! She promised me she'll take us there before traveling, but I just didn't have high expectations because whenever I do have high expectations I always end up having a major letdown. Going to the Camp Nou was a dream come true. Seriously. It was so on my imaginary wishlist.

Ok so this is getting a little loooong, I'll stop now. lol

One last thing before I end this: If there are any other Barca/Leo fans out there, please join It's a forum where all Lionel Messi fans unite :D Don't hesitate, we don't bite xD

Shaikha x