Friday, May 22, 2009

change will come

Today i was having this funny conversation with my 6-year-old cousin, Shamma. (I think she's six, im not sure haha) and i thought i'd share it, since it made me laugh.

Me: Shamma, you have 3 sisters. Don't you ever get bored or feel like you're stuck with them? Don't you want a brother? I mean you're all girls!

Shamma: No. I don't want a brother.

Me: Then what do you want?

Shamma: I want another four sisters to be added to the family!


Shamma: Yes it would. But i want four sisters.

Me: Why?

Shamma: So i can beat them up.

Me: *laughs like a mad scientist* BEAT THEM UP? WHYYYYY???

Shamma: Beacause.

Me: *still laughing* God Shamma you're evil.

Shamma: *laughs* yeah i like beating people up. it makes me happy.


Hahaha hope it makes you smile :)
But then again, it is quite silly. idk, i laugh at the silliest of stuff so...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

where did i go wrong?

you know how much i love you. you know that you mean everything to me. but you must know this:

sometimes, i feel like i hate you. (and yes, i am fully aware of how big the word 'hate' is. but i can't help the way i feel.)
sometimes i feel that you're too selfish; looking for fun for yourself only and forgetting the fact that i've always been there by your side.
sometimes i wish i could just leave you.
sometimes i feel like im stuck or forced to sit with you.
sometimes i feel lost.
sometimes i hate myself so much for going through what i go through, because of you, and never doing a thing about it.
sometimes, you're the reason, i don't wanna live anymore.
sometimes, you're the reason i hate my life.
sometimes i don't feel safe having you by my side.
sometimes i wish i could tell you how i feel.
sometimes i just wanna leave you, be free, and live my life without you taking any part in it.
sometimes i just wanna sit down and cry, and not have you by my side.
sometimes i don't want you to call me.
sometimes i don't want you to talk to me.
sometimes i don't want to wait for you.
sometimes i don't want you to wait for me.
sometimes i regret ever knowing you,
because sometimes you're not there for me.
because sometimes you'd rather hang out with them.
because sometimes you'd let me walk alone.
because sometimes you'd laugh louder with them. (fake laugh, maybe?)
because sometimes you don't wanna take the blame. (even though you might know you were wrong)
because sometimes when i try to talk to you you think i'm being silly...
you think i'm being emotional...
you think i'm making a big deal outta nothing...
when was i ever not there for you?
where did i ever go wrong?
i know that i'm not perfect. i make at least one mistake in everyday of my life. but hey, i always apologize for my actions.
you rarely apologize.
whenever i wanna hear your sincere apology, it never comes out of your mouth.
why did i ever pick you?
why are you doing this to me?

meh. i hate how my bring controls and gets the better of me

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hello unfairness!

Environmental Science overall grades so far:

Fa6oom: A+
Maryaminho: B+
Myself: C+

Gee. How typical of Ms. Jain =/

I effing study as hard as my two best friends! I STUDY MY BUM OFF FOR EVERY TEST!!!!!!!!!
Eff it, man!

How typical....

Thursday, May 14, 2009

shaikha at the disco

so here's some of my favorite lines from various panic at the disco songs:

it's not so p l e a s a n t
and it's not so conventional
it sure as hell ain't normal
but we deal, we deal.
haven't you heard that i'm the new cancer?
never looked b e t t e r, and you can't stand it
because you say so under your breath;
you're reading lips:
"when did he get all confident?"
well she's not bleeding on the ballroom floor just for the
a t t e n t i o n
'cause that's just ridiculously on.
and i believe this calls for a proper introduction, and well,
don't you see? i'm the narrator and this is just the prologue.
just for the record, the weather today is slightly
s a r c a s t i c
with a good chance of:
A. indifference
B. disinterest in what the critics say.
well, i'm afraid that i...
well i may have faked it
and i wouldn't be caught dead in this place.
i don't love you, i'm just
passing the time.
you could love me if i
knew how to lie.
back to the place where we used to say,
"man it feels good to feel this way!"
i know it's mad,
but if i go to hell will you come with me
or just l e a v e me?
i wanna go where everyone goes
i wanna know what everyone knows
i wanna go where everyone feels
the same.
take a chance, take your shoes off,
dance in the rain
yeah we're s p l a s h i n g around
[&] the news spread all over town
i know the world's a broken bone
but melt your headaches;
call it home.
its the greatest thing that's yet to have happened:
imagine knowing me?!
its the greatest think you'd ever imagine.