Thursday, May 14, 2009

shaikha at the disco

so here's some of my favorite lines from various panic at the disco songs:

it's not so p l e a s a n t
and it's not so conventional
it sure as hell ain't normal
but we deal, we deal.
haven't you heard that i'm the new cancer?
never looked b e t t e r, and you can't stand it
because you say so under your breath;
you're reading lips:
"when did he get all confident?"
well she's not bleeding on the ballroom floor just for the
a t t e n t i o n
'cause that's just ridiculously on.
and i believe this calls for a proper introduction, and well,
don't you see? i'm the narrator and this is just the prologue.
just for the record, the weather today is slightly
s a r c a s t i c
with a good chance of:
A. indifference
B. disinterest in what the critics say.
well, i'm afraid that i...
well i may have faked it
and i wouldn't be caught dead in this place.
i don't love you, i'm just
passing the time.
you could love me if i
knew how to lie.
back to the place where we used to say,
"man it feels good to feel this way!"
i know it's mad,
but if i go to hell will you come with me
or just l e a v e me?
i wanna go where everyone goes
i wanna know what everyone knows
i wanna go where everyone feels
the same.
take a chance, take your shoes off,
dance in the rain
yeah we're s p l a s h i n g around
[&] the news spread all over town
i know the world's a broken bone
but melt your headaches;
call it home.
its the greatest thing that's yet to have happened:
imagine knowing me?!
its the greatest think you'd ever imagine.


maryamiho said...

WOW! im sure it took u soo loong to do it, great thinking ;)
tbh, i never liked this band, but after u annoyed me with all the quotes that u always write all over my notebooks i started lovin them <3 :P

Shaikha said...

ahh our notes during environmental class <3
poor ms. jain, or should i say, ms. owl eyes [=P] thinks we're actually paying attention.
too bad we're not sitting next to each other anymore :(

maryaminho said...

I KNOW :@ i'll sit nxt to u nxt class, screw her!!!!
i cant stand her classes and im sitting beside u, f im alone i'll comet suicide :/

Shaikha said...

yeah you do that.
and she'll be all 'maryam! come sit next to muna! this fatima, maryam, and shaikha will not sit next to each other in my class'
and TODAY! omg she totally blammed me, when fa6oom was talking to me! she was all 'now i know that shaikha is the one with the problem, she talks to whoever sits besides her'
silly owl! she must be the mother of that lil birdie in arabic class =P

Shaikha said...


Shaikha said...

Ms. Jain yells at us when we talk in her class. She's jealous because she doesn't have any friends =]
oh yeahhh
i totally ADMIRE fa6oom's quotes!

Stephy said...

QUE BUENO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure you had fun... you added color to it and everything!

pimp my car? more like pimp everyday english! xD

Lydia Chian said...

I love oyu, Shaikha! You rock my world!!! :D

Shaikha said...

'pimp my car? more like pimp everyday english! xD'ahahahahaha xD well, can't we have both? :D look how nice our words become when you add some colors to them! I'm designing our dictionary, Steph! xD

'I love oyu, Shaikha! You rock my world!!! :D'I LOVE 'OYU' MORE, LYDIA! Why don't you come on msn these days? :(

Lydia Chian said...

Cuz my stupid teachers dumped stupid homeworks and revisions on us so much these days that almost all of us barely have time to come online for more than 15 minutes most! Lolz.

If I have to come online I'd have to come online around midnight onwards. Lolz. Hmmm, hahaz! :D

Yana said...

Ooh that's good one!
It's so bright and colourful! :D :D