Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hello unfairness!

Environmental Science overall grades so far:

Fa6oom: A+
Maryaminho: B+
Myself: C+

Gee. How typical of Ms. Jain =/

I effing study as hard as my two best friends! I STUDY MY BUM OFF FOR EVERY TEST!!!!!!!!!
Eff it, man!

How typical....


Yana said...

That really sucks. =(

Lydia Chian said...

It truely sux, Shaikha. Y'know, some teachers actually forces their students to study like demons wroking in hell but after they have sat for their exams and got their papers back the teachers just gave them a pathetic grade-C? I hate those types of teachers. Furthermore some times there're these types of teachers who actually went all the way to backstabb you behind your bacK? Fuck that type of teachers.

That's why I've decided to be straightforward with things and people in my blog. :D

Shaikha said...

i think my blog is my new best friend.

i can express myself all i want over here. :)

Stephy said...

Pshh... so been there. Math and freaking Astronomy. Thing about astronomy.... when certain people in the class pass, I know they cheated, I just hear their conversations. I rather just fail with dignity, because, i don't need the class anyway.

It's best to be straight forward. It's hard to now being teens and stuff because.... you either have your parents, teachers or friends.... and a majority of the time, that's where the problems lie. Parents are too proud, we really don't want teachers getting into our personal lives and friends just either aren't always there, you are shy to tell or they are also trying to figure things out and therefore have issues on their own.

You can talk to your pet but... might not be that useful.. might get a stare, or a bark, or meow or something... don't even try a fish! =P

Blogs are just that awesome as pen and paper. All of which you can put down every fragment of your mind.

Lydia Chian said...

True, I have to agree with Steph!! Blogs are sometimes a good way of putting your rants out. I just hate it the way other people treated me sometimes. So I used my blog as some sort of online weapon for my revenge. Lolz.

Lydia Chian said...

:D Hahaz! :P