Monday, June 8, 2009

leave out all the rest

omg omg omg!!
i just locked my phone! and i dont know whats my PUK code :/
i feel so stupid right now.
im sorry martyyyyyy :( :( :(
but my aunt is going to take it to the telecommunication service and get the code! love you auntie! you're a lifesavor!!!!!!

i can't stop panicing!!!
survey to kill time and to stop thinking about marty...

What was the last thing you spent money on?
a pack of Hello Kitty socks.

When is the last time you fell asleep watching a movie?
Can't remember hehe.

What is on your mind?
Worried about Marty!!

Are you counting down for anything?

If you could go anywhere right now, where would it be?
Spain =)

Does your hair have layers?
yes :]

Are your nails done?
No lol.

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

Do you call it fall or autumn?
Falltumn? :D

What is something you are not looking forward to?
Exams :

Are you feeling guilty about anything right now?
Yes, i'm sorry Marty! I was just trying to get you a PIN code so you'd be more secure! HONEST!!

Who/what is the last thing you kicked?
I don't remember.

What was the last thing put in your mouth?
I was chewing my glow in the dark bracelet ROFL!

When is the last time you had fast food?
On Saturday! Johney Rockets ftw! =]

Who are you currently frustrated with?
At myself for locking Marty :(

Are you wearing any clothes that don’t belong to you?

Are you texting anyone?
*cries*... dont remind me :(

Are you excited for winter?
Dude. I wan't the summer vacation.

Have you ever slapped someone in the face?
Yes, my friends, but we were just goofing off.

What is the closest thing to you that is blue?
A Spanish dictionary.

Are you disappointed about anything?
Yes, I never knew I was this stupid :

Do you feel awkward when strangers say hi to you?
Naah, I'm fully aware that I'm famous so...

Are you any different now than you were a year ago?
Yes, more open-minded now :)

Where are you?
In my house, silly.

Can you honestly say you are ok right now?
NOOO!! MARTYYY!!!!!11!!!!234!!!

Do you know all of your siblings?

Could you go out looking like you do now?
No freakin' way! =P

Friday, June 5, 2009

you never wanted to stay

so yesterday was the school concert!
it was a blast! :]]
i didnt screw up!!! yay hehe =D
i really really had tons of fun, twas a success! :)

umm.. im really confused right now. i need to talk to basma. yeah she can cheer me up and make me feel better...

anyways, i need to stop thinking about it so imma go ahead and do this survey:

How would you describe your life?
very confusing. its a mystery really.

Would you go back in time to change something if you could?

Have you changed this year?
yes, im more open-minded.

Who did you last smile at?
her :)

Do you miss anyone?
yesss a lott.

Do you have a best friend?
yes but i still cant talk to them about everything. :(

Do you like anyone?

Does anyone like you?
don't think so.

Are you mad at anyone?
at myself because i cant figure this one thing out.

How's the love life?
dont got one.

How many people have you been in love with?
love never wanted me.

Do you still like that person?

What are you excited for?

What sport is better basketball or soccer?
soccer, duh.

Where is your phone?
in my room. but dont worry no one will bother calling...

What's your favorite scent?
anything really...

What's the closest purple thing next to you?

Are you happy with the way things are going?
right now, no. but in general, yes.

What are your initials?

What color are your eyes?
darkish brown.

What color eyes do you find attractive in the opposite sex?
dont care.

Do you care about anyone?
some people.

What's the last thing that made you mad?
the fact that i was waiting for a text message that never came.

Who was the last person you rode in a car with?
my sister, ana, and komar.

Was today a good day?
no. yesterday was, though.

Friday, May 22, 2009

change will come

Today i was having this funny conversation with my 6-year-old cousin, Shamma. (I think she's six, im not sure haha) and i thought i'd share it, since it made me laugh.

Me: Shamma, you have 3 sisters. Don't you ever get bored or feel like you're stuck with them? Don't you want a brother? I mean you're all girls!

Shamma: No. I don't want a brother.

Me: Then what do you want?

Shamma: I want another four sisters to be added to the family!


Shamma: Yes it would. But i want four sisters.

Me: Why?

Shamma: So i can beat them up.

Me: *laughs like a mad scientist* BEAT THEM UP? WHYYYYY???

Shamma: Beacause.

Me: *still laughing* God Shamma you're evil.

Shamma: *laughs* yeah i like beating people up. it makes me happy.


Hahaha hope it makes you smile :)
But then again, it is quite silly. idk, i laugh at the silliest of stuff so...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

where did i go wrong?

you know how much i love you. you know that you mean everything to me. but you must know this:

sometimes, i feel like i hate you. (and yes, i am fully aware of how big the word 'hate' is. but i can't help the way i feel.)
sometimes i feel that you're too selfish; looking for fun for yourself only and forgetting the fact that i've always been there by your side.
sometimes i wish i could just leave you.
sometimes i feel like im stuck or forced to sit with you.
sometimes i feel lost.
sometimes i hate myself so much for going through what i go through, because of you, and never doing a thing about it.
sometimes, you're the reason, i don't wanna live anymore.
sometimes, you're the reason i hate my life.
sometimes i don't feel safe having you by my side.
sometimes i wish i could tell you how i feel.
sometimes i just wanna leave you, be free, and live my life without you taking any part in it.
sometimes i just wanna sit down and cry, and not have you by my side.
sometimes i don't want you to call me.
sometimes i don't want you to talk to me.
sometimes i don't want to wait for you.
sometimes i don't want you to wait for me.
sometimes i regret ever knowing you,
because sometimes you're not there for me.
because sometimes you'd rather hang out with them.
because sometimes you'd let me walk alone.
because sometimes you'd laugh louder with them. (fake laugh, maybe?)
because sometimes you don't wanna take the blame. (even though you might know you were wrong)
because sometimes when i try to talk to you you think i'm being silly...
you think i'm being emotional...
you think i'm making a big deal outta nothing...
when was i ever not there for you?
where did i ever go wrong?
i know that i'm not perfect. i make at least one mistake in everyday of my life. but hey, i always apologize for my actions.
you rarely apologize.
whenever i wanna hear your sincere apology, it never comes out of your mouth.
why did i ever pick you?
why are you doing this to me?

meh. i hate how my bring controls and gets the better of me

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hello unfairness!

Environmental Science overall grades so far:

Fa6oom: A+
Maryaminho: B+
Myself: C+

Gee. How typical of Ms. Jain =/

I effing study as hard as my two best friends! I STUDY MY BUM OFF FOR EVERY TEST!!!!!!!!!
Eff it, man!

How typical....

Thursday, May 14, 2009

shaikha at the disco

so here's some of my favorite lines from various panic at the disco songs:

it's not so p l e a s a n t
and it's not so conventional
it sure as hell ain't normal
but we deal, we deal.
haven't you heard that i'm the new cancer?
never looked b e t t e r, and you can't stand it
because you say so under your breath;
you're reading lips:
"when did he get all confident?"
well she's not bleeding on the ballroom floor just for the
a t t e n t i o n
'cause that's just ridiculously on.
and i believe this calls for a proper introduction, and well,
don't you see? i'm the narrator and this is just the prologue.
just for the record, the weather today is slightly
s a r c a s t i c
with a good chance of:
A. indifference
B. disinterest in what the critics say.
well, i'm afraid that i...
well i may have faked it
and i wouldn't be caught dead in this place.
i don't love you, i'm just
passing the time.
you could love me if i
knew how to lie.
back to the place where we used to say,
"man it feels good to feel this way!"
i know it's mad,
but if i go to hell will you come with me
or just l e a v e me?
i wanna go where everyone goes
i wanna know what everyone knows
i wanna go where everyone feels
the same.
take a chance, take your shoes off,
dance in the rain
yeah we're s p l a s h i n g around
[&] the news spread all over town
i know the world's a broken bone
but melt your headaches;
call it home.
its the greatest thing that's yet to have happened:
imagine knowing me?!
its the greatest think you'd ever imagine.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Oh, she makes me feel like shit

A little crappy poem i wrote to sum up what i've been through:

i wonder if you always knew
that our friendship was never true
you replaced me, i feel like shit
i still love you, i have to admit
but being replaced by your best friend?
this, honestly i cant comprehend
how could you do this to me?
its like im something you no longer see
i'll leave you two guys alone
for i have become a complete unknown
if you see me, please do ignore
for im not the one you love, no not anymore
i gave you all my love from deep inside
but you chose her, i dont even know why
i wonder if you always knew
that our friendship was never true
you're making my life a living hell
but i have one last thing, to you i have to tell:
you make me sick. you make me blue
two words to express myself: eff you.
[please pardon my french, as im obviously muy pissed off right now]

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Estoy cansada, verdad!

First day of school after spring break.
Really really really really tired o_O

First day of Spanish classes after the two-week holiday.
Muy muy muy muy cansada.

Fill in the blanks:
I think yawning is _____ because _____________ .

best comment that makes me laugh gets a free Shaikha autograph.
yes, i said a shaikha autograpgh *gasp* D:

k, i'm off now. adios :]

Friday, April 10, 2009

could it be we've been this way before?

so thanks to yana, i now know whats a male version of a ballerina called.
its danseur (in french) or ballerino ( in italian).
who knew?
congratz yana, here's your autograph:

hope you like it :)

i love sergio.
he's my imaginary boyfriend (:

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

come on let's see some action

Yesterday was fun. :)
wanna know what happened? no? oh it doesn't matter, because i'm telling you anyway.
me and maryaminho went to fudruckers, and when the waitor got us the bill, i left him some board game money! like you know the $100 that you use in your board game. and we didn't leave, i was waiting for his reaction. the guy freaked out bahaha! sorry nino, didn't mean to freak you out buddy. lol but don't worry! nothing happened, i payed him REAL money. haha but twas hilarious. i felt like a female version of ashton on punk'd. lol. me and minho signed that fake $100 and asked nino to sign it too. it went into my memory box =]

oh oh oh! who watched united yesterday? THANK YOU PORTO ♥
take that stupid united :)
barca are playing today.
psycheddd, wish us luck yo!

random question. whoever answers right, will get a free shikha autograph :D (just play along...)
what do they call a male version of a ballerina? because pete wentz was wondering, and made me wonder too. lmao

Quote of the day:
'The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope."

i'm bored so imma take this survey to kill time.

The Who’s
Who is in the house with you?
My sister, and her two friends, my brother and his friend and tutor, my grandma, my great grandma, anna, presy, nimpha, luise. talk about a full house lol.

Who was the last person to IM you?
on msn, lama.

Who did you last talk to on the phone?
My mom :P

Who’s birthday is next?

Who do you wish you were with right now?
mis amigas.

The Where’s
Where do you go to school?
Shaikha Hessa Girls' Shcool. (Look, it has my name on it! xD)

Where do you live?
Riffa, Bahrain.

Where is your phone?
Marty? Oh he's right infront of me.

Where are your parents?
Dad's resting his soul in peace. Moms on her way to ksa.

Where do you sleep?
On my bed?

Where do you shop the most?

Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing?
Zara. I think.

Where did you last take a car ride to?
Fudruckers, then back home.

Where in your house are you?
In moms room.

The What’s
What was the last thing you ate?
Nutella yumm.

What was the last thing you drank?

What color pants are you wearing?

What kind of cell phone do you have?
Nokia E71.

What is the closest item near you that is blue?
A pencil.

What is your favorite color?
Orange all the way! =D

What messaging service do you use?

What is your most used away message?
brb or away.

What is your favorite website?
messi's forum, twitter,, my blog, hotmail, and sometimes

What do you wear more; jeans or shorts?

What is the last movie watched?
The Grudge 3.

What song do you currently hear?
The Great Escape - Boys Like Girls.

The Why’s
Why are you taking this survey?

Why do you have a xanga?
I don't have a xanga.

Why does basically half the world have a myspace?
Good question.

Why did you pick your myspace user name?
I don't use Myspace anymore.

Why are your best friends your best friends?
Because i have fun with them.

Why is wood brown?
Because they its taken from trees, right?

Why do the people on the news repeat the same stuff over & over?
Because you're deaf =]

The When’s
When did you start school?
After kindergarten.

When did you meet your best friend?
School, where else?

When did you last buy a new pair of pants?
Can't remember.

When did you last burn a candle?
Don't know.

When were you last at school?
Last week.

When did you last see your dad?
8 years ago :'( x

Monday, April 6, 2009

my scars remind me the past is real

i ♥ my friends.
they make my world go 'round :]

yay! i used twitter through my mobile web for the first time today. didn't cost much, at all. seems like twittering when im out isn't a problem anymore[:

ok. i have nothing to talk about, really. my mind is just blank right now...

note to self: NEVER request a joke from Zain (the mobile telecommunication service i'm using). its a waste of money. fo' realz. i request a joke, and heres what they send me:
'Dad: How did you enjoy your school trip? Son: yes, but a crab bit my toe. Dad: Which one? Son: Dunno. All crabs look alike to me.'
kaaaay. i fail to see the humor. is it just me, or does this so called 'joke' seem really lame, and so not funny? o__O
waste of money people. waste of money.


Quote of the day:
"There are two kinds of failures: those who thought and never did, and those who did and never thought."

Sunday, April 5, 2009

nothing's ever what it seems

barca won yesterday. barely.
but hey, we didnt mess it too badly, right? :)
i mean we got the 3 pts, and at the end of the day, thats all that matters[:

oh, check out this new band (or at least, new to me) i just discovered yesterday night. they're called 'the hello approach' and might i add, they're pretty much made of awesomesauce.
all of you rockers out there, listen to the hello approach, and please your ears, yes? :)

i don't get why people smoke o_O
random, i know.

Quote of the day:
"Fate determines who walks into your life, but you decide who you let walk out, who you let stay & who you refuse to let get away."

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Thought that we were stronger

I think I'm getting addicted to Twitter.
So freakin awesome[:

Bayern Munich is so gonna get their asses kicked by Barcelona. =) If they don't, well, they will in my mind. =)
Because Stephy says so =]

Finally got my copy of Now Thats What I Call Music! 30.
Shit I'm addicted to 'I Hate This Part' by the Pussycat Dolls. Latest guilty pleasure, I guess.

My brothers playing Resident Evil on his PS3, and has been doing so for the last 3 hours. o_O Boys are weird.

Its 1:11 am. I'm starving.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I thought I knew who you were

It's funny how people act really nice to your face, and then talk shit about you behind your back.

It's the sad truth we live nowadays. The sad truth.

Friday, January 30, 2009

the wheels on the bus go round and round

wow a lot has happened in the last few weeks!

1- EXAMS ARE OVERRRRRR!!!!!!!! I think i'll pass most of them. not sure about some subjects though.

2- Got a new phone :D Birthdate: 17 Jan, 2009. Name: Marty. Species: Nokia E-series 71. I like him so much! I'm actually not jealous of my mom and bro for getting the iPhone. who needs lame iPhones when you have Party Maty? :D oh yeh the name, Marty, i named him after my nose (= isn't that sweet? :D

3- Folie à Deux is officially the best album i've listened to in a loooooong time. Go buy it. Fall Out Boy are made of perfectness.

4- I just ate a cookie.

5- Maryaminho will be away for a week :( she's going to ksa to visit her grandma :( ONE WEEK IN SCHOOL WITHOUT HER? I barley survive she shows up late for school. :(



Wednesday, January 7, 2009

this is not about emotion

okay so one monday was my first ever spanish class *does the happy dance* it actually went pretty well. there are only a few of us in the class; only seven students including myself and mom. mom made me promise that if anyone asks if we're related, whe'd just tell em that we're sisters. mom wants to feel younger haha... moms these days... xD

onto a completely different note, BARCA WON YESTERDAY! leo, my man! a hattrick! wow this dude amazes me and keeps me on my toes whenever he's on the pitch. he always makes my day with his amazing brilliance on the pitch ♥

also... bahrain are playing kuwait today in the arabian gulf cup thingy. wish us luck, people! =)

ew school starts in a 3 days. omg noo D:

Sunday, January 4, 2009

i can't be who you are

barca extended their lead on top with a 3-1 win over real mallorca! twas a great match. iniesta is finally back. he played really well, and he even scored. yaya toure's goal was magnificent. henry scored the equalizer, which refreshed my hope for barca. guess who won today? BAHRAIN! we played iraq today in the arabian gulf cup [if thats the right name] and we beat them 3-1! needless to say, we missed countless chances to score, but then again this is bahrain we're talking about so we need to excuse their poor football. the third goal was a late one, like in the stoppage time. so when the match ended those iraqi players started looking for a fight with our players, y'know like pushing them and doing all the oh-im-so-strong moves. meh. get over it guys, twas just a match =/ srsly. why cant everyone just get along? the world should be peaceful...well at least if we cant stop war, lets stop these silly fights when it comes to sports! see? this is another reason why i should be president.

'nough football for today. omg you wouldnt guess what happened today o__O. i was shopping for jackets with my mom (because its awfully cold now in bahrain! yes, bahrain. weird i know) when all of a sudden my mom received a call from my brother, he told her that his car got hit by a truck. like in an accident, y'know. i didnt know what to think =/ i heard my mom asking him if he was ok and not injured but the man kept talking about how damaged his car was! dude, are you ok or not? but then he finally told mom that he was ok, and nothing happened to him, but his car was damaged and needed major repayments. screw the car, he can get it fixed, i guess. the most important thing is that he's ok, because one things for sure, a life is irreplaceable. thank god my bro's just fine <3

anyway, im going to my grandma's tomorrow, with my cousin, mariam. its really weird, because i only visit her like twice every year. and these two times are on occasions where i HAVE to show up. i really love my grandma, its just that i dont know what to talk about when im around her. i try to talk stuff but what? what should i talk about? i know its gonna be awkward, but i should visit her and show her that i care about her. hey, maybe i can tell her about my bro's incident. and maybe i should mention how its really surprisingly cold in bahrain. and other stuff. if i feel super awkward, me and mariam will just leave and go have dinner at fud's, i guess.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

This is where we both get scared

Hello! :D How's 2009 going with everybody? (:
Mine is ok. Not bad, i guess.

Dear Mom,

Buy me a new cell phone please.

Sincerely, Shaikha

omg i saw a dude who looks like pique yesterday at the mall o_O i was so obvious staring haha. he actually noticed me staring at him so i had to force a smile. he smiled back. i died. end of story lol

BARCA ARE PLAYING TODAAY! :D In like 2 hours! woohoo! i missthissomuch. best of luck guys ;)